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The thing about Jack London's sentiment, is this it is shared down through generations amongst the western consciousness. China by existing proves the lie of white supremacy and therefore western egos are bruised and their behaviour is akin to a school shooter being rejected by Becky. Rather than using the rejection to take an honest assessment of himself and improve himself accordingly, as the Chinese nation did and continues to do, the western supremacist would rather resort to violence and death and accepts and supports political leaders who push for war and death. This is where you have an armchair general in america who wants to 'sit on a throne of chinese skulls' for the apparent offence of surpassing america.

The only answer to this 'all of society' response is to deprive the anglo five eyes of their currently held territories, and to those who insist on sitting on thrones of chinese skulls, to have their own skulls polished and turned into drinking cups.
The thing is, once US power drops beneath the ability to hold their vassals together, they will all start turning on each other, essentially a repeat of their dark ages. The optimistic scenario is that they gain some self awareness after all the dust settles and they realise they're back at the place they feared the whole time, the pessimistic scenario is they sink deeper into jai Roman empire thinking, however the silver lining is that opens to door for outside intervention.


Registered Member
I prefer Fallout 2075 map.
It's funny because even Cuba, South Africa and Australia are great powers, but not India


Registered Member
See I told y'all before it's not that hard of a turn for them, it's just modern day 遣唐使. They did it before so why not again. As Professor Shenyi says: when a Chinese person reads Three Kingdoms they're into Liubei, Caocao, Kongming etc. Do you know who the Japanese are into when they read Three Kingdoms?

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So it's just nature. But this is all just preliminary, the real irreversible step is to backstab your foster father when called upon, this would probably still require a more public demonstration of power by China.
Or we just send a modern day version of LB over to 'educate' them whenever they misbehave - it aligns with their natural way of thinking, and gives them a new god emperor to worship. A god emperor that holds CPC membership.


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It is certainly refreshing in the sense that they now openly admit in a nutty way that China is in fact not the low tech tofu dredge they constantly regurgitate but rather the hi-tech peer they have to look out for and seriously pay attention.

And yet at the same time they don't admit it. It is illogical thinking and cognitive dissonance. While sometimes admitting China may have some high tech stuff, they then try to "neutralize" it in their thinking (since "obviously" the Chinese couldn't have innovated) they have to rationalize as stolen from the West and not really understood so that the high tech stuff is still inferior to the West's high tech.

It is the classic thinking of the enemy being both too weak and therefore contemptible and too strong and therefore fear provoking, and then people using double-think to flip-flop as needed between whichever position is necessary to maintain their viewpoint of the enemy being bad.