Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
I've been reading up about the next big area to invest in. According to what some China Venture Capitalists believe, its Southeast Asia with the most important areas being Indonesia and Vietnam due to their size and growth potential. Also from China's perspective, whatever feeling they harbour against them, they will get the job done well enough when asked. So thats probably why China has been doing a lot of investing there because it believes they will have the best return. A lot of other countries lack competence or are simply unstable and lack the ability to be trusted. For example Vietnam and China has a lot of bad blood but Vietnam just wants to money and the job will be done. In contrast some country like Iran is supposed to be China's friend but spends so much time insulting it and trying to pivot to the west with not much development on the money given. I know sanctions suck but at least be less arrogant about it when you're in such a state.

So all this talk about the next big thing being India might be a Red herring and the real deal is in SEA. Something India will miss out on since a few of those places are Muslim.
IRANIANS (not all) see themselves as HUWHITE ADJACENT ergo belongs to the WESTERN CIVILIZATION. Combined that delusion with their actual history and past accomplishments you have the recipe of delusions of grandeur.

Most of these anti-China IRANIANS blame their incompetence and impotence to the current theocratic leadership. In their minds without those geriatric Mullahs, Iran would be swimming with great success!! Based on scant evidence and reliant solely on make believe fanatic fantasy.


Junior Member
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And we haven't even gotten to the bit where people from the Biden administraiton are going to be sanctioned by China once they leave office. I got my money on Blinken and Sullivan b eing sanctioned.

China inspires obsession because China and Chinese people are the very epitome of human civilisation and that's without the need for a fascist mythos making 'legendary past' the way the zionist jews and white supremacist "hyperboreans" need to do. Chinese history is real and recorded, Chinese IQ is real and recorded and expressed in cutting edge military and scientific technology, even socially Chinese culture is superior in organised human development. Anglo zionists understand this hence why their only game is to try to slow down China, rather than trying to superceded her because they know they cannot, not even their God who they can fool with loopholes, can do anything about the Chinese.

Actually I think there may be an underlying mindset of viewing attempts to "immanentize the eschaton" (or basically improving the human condition to utopia or heaven on Earth) as basically wrong and hopeless since by the monotheistic religions such perfection is the sole province of God. Attempting to create heaven on Earth therefore is seen as arrogant and doomed to fail, so they give up or don't even try, and just "get by". That is just one reason why they vilify communism because they view it as just such an attempt and point to the failure of the Soviet Union as an example of why such attempts in the future are also doomed to fail.

We see examples of such a mindset from the likes of "Mother Teresa" who despite acts of apparent charity towards the poor, did not help alleviate the underlying conditions that generated and perpetuated poverty. She viewed the suffering as a necessary and unavoidable aspect of the human condition. The acts of charity were effectively a form of personal virtue signaling rather than changing the long term situation for the poor.

Such is completely contrary to the humanist viewpoint of China throughout much of history. From even the pre-Imperial period, philosophers and rulers have understood that alleviating the suffering of the common people and winning their support was the critical element that would enable them to achieve victory over their enemies and more importantly hold on to the Mandate of Heaven, and the fall of the dynasties that pushed the people too hard has only hammered that lesson home. Even though each dynasty in time became corrupt and fell, they all at least paid lip service to the idea of serving the people, rather than just throwing up their hands and leaving it all up to God or Heaven. "Heaven sees as the people see; Heaven hears as the people do" is one of the earliest expressions of the will of the people and the consent of the governed as the basis on which any government rules.

So others cannot seem to believe it and have always existed in an uneasy tension with their own governments because they fundamentally do not believe in the possibility of human government and civilization radically improving the human condition.


Registered Member
I don’t understand the point of this…the solution to Taiwan’s shrinking workforce is for Taiwanese multinational companies like TSMC to open R&D centers abroad. How does importing Indians help Taiwan at all?
They try to poison China but it won't work since we will just mass deport the jeet scum later if any actually make it there

In the meantime they only enshittify the KMT's reputation among the locals


Registered Member
Putin talk like this for international visits but once things goes into detail and the real demographic calculation this will not be that easy to implement as there is that soft power involved. Putin was mentioning he constantly get reports about this special military operations but it took him two years to realize the women in forces should exit Ukraine and this he telling to women pilots.

You are deflecting and making stuff up at this point. Just like last time several months ago. First you say the pipeline is the opinion of the ministry therefore it can’t happen. I tell you there are direct state to state discussion. Then you try deflecting the main topic because you can’t deny it any longer. This always happens.

i told all those countries (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran) miscalculated there gas consumption and extraction potential and somehow Turkmenistan is different when many countries around it will need that gas. yes. anything can be discarded anytime when you have that soft power next door. these Iraqi wanted western troops out of Iraq but after visit to Saudi Iraqi PM got idea that he has to give primacy to Saudi interests. can Pakistan gets that Iranian gas?

You are still deflecting and avoiding the question. Why are they building a pipeline that they can’t use. Arab soft power is not an answer.


Registered Member
I don’t understand the point of this…the solution to Taiwan’s shrinking workforce is for Taiwanese multinational companies like TSMC to open R&D centers abroad. How does importing Indians help Taiwan at all?
It's to HOOK/BAIT the Indian government and military as its CASSUS BELLI to enter a conflict with China to protect its PEOPLE FROM Chinese invasion.

It's literally the same shit they're trying to do and enact against Indias weaker neighbors like Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh etc...I guarantee you that all the Indian migrants will be coming from the heavily BJP populated Indian states thereby strengthening the necessity of Indian intervention.

However, the more China showcases it's advances in military spheres the more reluctant and cautious the Indian leadership becomes. Just look at their comments with regards to the recent revelation of Chinese next-gen fighters; the Indians have to begin consoling themselves with a degree of introspection that's never entertained in the past. You then top it off with the unfortunate but quite deserved (minus the racial attacks) about Indias mass migration to western countries like the U.S. Indians have slowly learned that they're not as wholesome as they thought they were, nor are they white adjacent regardless of how "ARYAN" they think they are. The skin complexion doesn't pass the eye test or the smell test, both figuratively and literally.