You got it reversed, century of humiliation is called that because China's natural condition is being "Middle Kingdom" where its people are the only people under heaven not suffering. Even when barbarians invaded China the barbarians quickly adopted Chinese customs and took it upon them to ensure China remains at peace and dominant.The Chinese condition, the natural state of China, is suffering. 3000 years of it in fact. Westerners understand this, and they get fucking mad when the Chinese start to not suffer, especially after the Century of Humiliation.
European natural condition is suffering: Bronze age collapse, Greek wars, wars with Persians, Saxon rape and pillages, Roman conquest, dark ages and feudal theocracy, 3,000 years of continuous wars between small nations that never unified, Century of humiliation is the only period in Europe's entire existence where they didn't suffer, and they're mad because China's putting them back in their place and they'll have to go back to their natural state of external suffering.