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NGAD fits her definition pretty well though. Lots of Chinese libs claims that it is in service since 2020 but no one has seen one.
China's NGAD is the H-20, lots of people coped it flew already since 2018 but the most we have seen is covered teasers and ppt slides. And now it's all but confirmed that it was taken back to drawing board in the early 2020s.

The question is, what will revamped H-20 look like and will it come first or will NGAD?
The MAGA trolling of Musk's "Let Them Eat Cake" moment is exquisite, up there with Roman satire on the walls of Pompeii.

Incidentally, that Kash Patel guy has SanYanPi/Sanpaku eyes which in east asian physiognomy indicates cruelty and a lack of empathy.

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I called that US and India would never be able to ally. Too many big egos.


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How deep does this H1B hole go? So much disgusting stuff is getting unveiled here. Why are Indian companies even allowed to operate on US soil like this while China ones are banned?

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Discriminatory Practices​

Critics have highlighted several practices by Cognizant that demonstrate a clear preference for South Asian employees:
  • Visa Preferences: The company prioritizes South Asians for U.S. positions requiring H-1B visas, becoming the top recipient of these visas in 2015 and 2016.
  • Fictitious Job Applications: Cognizant has allegedly submitted visa applications for non-existent jobs, creating false invitation letters indicating a need for South Asian employees.
  • Hiring Bias: Both internal and external recruiters at Cognizant favor South Asian candidates, leading to disproportionate hiring.
  • Promotion Discrepancies: South Asians receive promotions at significantly higher rates, with performance ratings often reflecting this bias.
  • Termination Patterns: Non-South Asians face terminations at much higher rates, especially those benched for over five weeks.

During a major layoff at one of my past companies no one of a certain ethnicity was impacted and East Asians/caucasian, especially older ones with high technical expertise, were highly impacted.


Registered Member
Honestly, I feel the whole US establishment (Democrats and Republicans) attitude towards China has changed, ever since China launched that ICBM in Oct. It feels like most of the time when China is brought up, the MSM always insert a line from some US official that the US isn't seeking a war with China. Perhaps I'm reading too much into this, but this forced line isn't the usual Uncle Sam "I don't want to fight, but they leave me no choice" gaslighting, more like the US genuinely want to avoid armed conflict with China.
Nah, they still want war, they’re just crestfallen that they’ll have to stomach million man casualties before the nukes have even been launched. If they were truly for peace, they’d have delivered pompeo, cotton, bannon, pottinger et al in chains to zhongnanhai.
During a major layoff at one of my past companies no one of a certain ethnicity was impacted and East Asians/caucasian, especially older ones with high technical expertise, were highly impacted.
you can also blame white boomer bosses who also enabled these Indians to contaminate their companies because they didn’t want Asians coming up the ranks and drinking their milkshake.


Junior Member
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During a major layoff at one of my past companies no one of a certain ethnicity was impacted and East Asians/caucasian, especially older ones with high technical expertise, were highly impacted.
That's why the Indian talking point of "it's just about skills, you're salty because you are not skilled" is so annoying to me. There is blatant ethnic nepotism going on here and we're supposed to blame the victims instead of the perpetrators.

Still, things are perhaps not totally pitch black.

Most people support a genuine high-skilled immigration visa. But this wage-dumping bullshit ain't it.


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Look at how dumb this Marine General thinks. He thinks the latest technology recording your ability to fight measures how well you fight. He says smartphones last recorded how Americans fight. The Chinese last fight was painted with oil and canvas. All you have to tell about China is the Korean War where the first day China entered, the US spent the rest of it running away. Americans don’t like it when you say that hard truth and it defies what the General is saying. Then they’ll make excuses that was seventy years ago. Oh like how the last modern naval battle for the US was more than that on how they claim the US has more experience? Apply that logic to China’s capability when the last they met China won against the US. The US Navy has never been in a fight with a peer adversary in over seventy years.
Marines never beating the crayon eating allegations. What colour is this general's favourite flavour?