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Trump comes out supporting Elon on H1B:

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This shouldn't be surprising. Trump and Elon are both billionaires. Cheap foreign labour is what they both love. The fools are the MAGAtards who thought they were voting for populism.
I mean, saying he support H-1B is one thing and will piss off his base enough
But saying he has H1B on his property is an admission he's personally exploiting the system to hire un-skilled workers, lol

But then again unless he wants to run for a third term, he has no use for his base anymore does he?


Lieutenant General
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Not surprised. Twenty years ago I worked at a company that produced software for independent insurance companies. They hired an Indian CEO and slowly it turned into a company that helped American companies outsource to India. First the CEO got rid of anyone who wasn’t white or Indian which included me and then he slowly got rid of whites replacing them with only Indians and the whites had to train the Indians before they got laid-off. The company was investigated by Federal authorities for inflated stock price. And then he exploited his HB1 people forcing them to work for him for free in his other personal businesses.