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That's the first Indian media I've watched, and one of the bigger takeaways I got is actually that India has I think developed its own dialect of English. Little else can explain both the very persistent accent, and the strange grammar.
This is an interesting observation. They are reacting so strongly and negatively to even the tiniest hint of Indian insubordination because they know that India is the successor state to the British Empire in India, not a native state like Mughals.

That means that unlike China, India could actually usurp the crown of Imperium Anglica, while China at most is an external barbarian.

It is like how Wu Sangui would rather open the gates of Shanhaiguan to Qing rather than allow Li Zicheng to be emperor and declare a Shun Dynasty.


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Trump comes out supporting Elon on H1B:

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This shouldn't be surprising. Trump and Elon are both billionaires. Cheap foreign labour is what they both love. The fools are the MAGAtards who thought they were voting for populism.
MAGA needs to revolt and depose the treasonous orange scammer who cucked them.


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Now you'll all see why Ambani is Asia's richest man, but no one neither in China nor the west can say anything about what Ambani has done for them.
What a "conspiracy", if everything is done in broad daylight and in front of television cameras

In front of television cameras in Congress in Washington, the Likud representative called for unleashing Chaos and Terror in Iraq and sending half a million Iraqis to hell

What a "conspiracy", everything is done in broad daylight in the bloody Western comedy
Well yeah, but if the Likudtard also agrees to a pact where his government feeds China all the juicy intel infiltration they have on US and give some Mediterranean ports, then what's half a million lives worth? Sure, the equation wholly changes if those Iraqis or Syrians or whoever are China's loyal vassals and under Beijing's protection. But that's not the case today.

I think those Israelis are a vulnerability to US, they're in the US leadership echelon, but they are not America first. They have their own interests and therefore can be bribed. But maybe first they need to be humbled by the ongoing stalemate until they provide a better grand deal.

And conversely, by playing up (permitting) the Israeli threat, China can maybe encourage some Arab nations to surrender to Chinese protection umbrella.