Fun fact: Unlike what the media made up and self-proclaimed experts on the social media write the F-15 had nothing to do with the MiG-25. USAF never panicked about the MiG-25 either. The F-15 project existed well before the MiG-25 was found by the intelligence agencies and its origins are at the assessments of the Vietnam War. The myth about the US overreacting to the "exaggerated" MiG-25 came into existence decades after both aircraft.Another one for the psychologists (or maybe psychiatrists):
"Jai Hamburger! We've kicked the Soviet's butts last time they tried this stunt, we'll definitely kick the Chicom's butts this time they tried this stunt! HU HA!"
Nobody told them that if only the US is filled with scientists and engineers instead of bankers, techbros and online strippers this time around...
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