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Another one for the psychologists (or maybe psychiatrists):

"Jai Hamburger! We've kicked the Soviet's butts last time they tried this stunt, we'll definitely kick the Chicom's butts this time they tried this stunt! HU HA!"

Nobody told them that if only the US is filled with scientists and engineers instead of bankers, techbros and online strippers this time around...
Fun fact: Unlike what the media made up and self-proclaimed experts on the social media write the F-15 had nothing to do with the MiG-25. USAF never panicked about the MiG-25 either. The F-15 project existed well before the MiG-25 was found by the intelligence agencies and its origins are at the assessments of the Vietnam War. The myth about the US overreacting to the "exaggerated" MiG-25 came into existence decades after both aircraft.
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Registered Member
Fun fact: Unlike what the media made up and self-proclaimed experts on the social media write the F-15 had nothing to do with the MiG-25. USAF never panicked about the MiG-25 either. The F-15 project existed well before the MiG-25 was found by the intelligence agencies and its origins is at the assessments of the Vietnam War. The myth about the US overreacting to the "exaggerated" MiG-25 came into existence decades after both aircraft.
But do you think China overreacted to B-21?

Or was it just normal development that was ongoing anyways


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Looks like the Chinese-Russian relationship is going to develop even further. Much to the dismay of the DC China hawks who were hoping they can trick Russia into siding with them so they can role play as Nixon.
While I don't disagree, it's certainly in Russia's interest to hype up the relationship with China to deter NATO. Personally I wouldn't pay too much attention to what Russia says about Chinese intentions.

wake me up when Power of Siberia 2 is made


Registered Member
Fun fact: Unlike what the media made up and self-proclaimed experts on the social media write the F-15 had nothing to do with the MiG-25. USAF never panicked about the MiG-25 either. The F-15 project existed well before the MiG-25 was found by the intelligence agencies and its origins is at the assessments of the Vietnam War. The myth about the US overreacting to the "exaggerated" MiG-25 came into existence decades after both aircraft.

They now claim that the Soviets lied about the performance of the MiG-25 and not that their intelligence agencies made the wrong assumptions just because the plane somewhat resembled the F-15 layout.


Registered Member
Another one for the psychologists (or maybe psychiatrists):

"Jai Hamburger! We've kicked the Soviet's butts last time they tried this stunt, we'll definitely kick the Chicom's butts this time they tried this stunt! HU HA!"

Nobody told them that if only the US is filled with scientists and engineers instead of bankers, techbros and online strippers this time around...
very interesting cope. it is like the people who say "but I was popular in high school!" when they're 40 years old.


Registered Member
yes there is a problem. US culture and its medical system simply not fit or decentralized country unable to enforce. even one or two generations of late births will cause wide spread decline of quality of human capital in dealing with 21st century science. we are not residing in previous centuries where tiny number of chosen push the human civilization. now things will need to be adopted more widespread and consistently and this only comes from culture that has continuity.

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The number of regions in Russia with payments for early births is growing​

23:41 27.11.2024

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From the history of the translation of the Koran into Russian in the 16th–17th centuries: the first translation of the surah “Purification of Faith” (1572)​



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Looks like the Chinese-Russian relationship is going to develop even further. Much to the dismay of the DC China hawks who were hoping they can trick Russia into siding with them so they can role play as Nixon.
Chinese and Russia relations will develop because all the countries in that EuroAsian union now so integrated that one country cannot make separate decision that will harm many others. but Russia importance will increase as the rest of world will consolidate around US. (that soft power behind is too powerful and often not visible).
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December 26
Meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council
The EAEU summit took place near St. Petersburg on the territory of the all-season resort "Igora". The meeting, as usual, was held in narrow and expanded formats. After the leaders of the EAEU countries discussed the strategic directions of the union's activities, they were joined by the President of Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of Iran and Cuba