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Psychologists are making bank today

Another one for the psychologists (or maybe psychiatrists):

"Jai Hamburger! We've kicked the Soviet's butts last time they tried this stunt, we'll definitely kick the Chicom's butts this time they tried this stunt! HU HA!"

Nobody told them that if only the US is filled with scientists and engineers instead of bankers, techbros and online strippers this time around...
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Senior Member
Registered Member
Another one for the psychologists (or maybe psychiatrists):

"Jai Hamburger! We've kicked the Soviet's butts last time they tried this stunt, we'll definitely kick the Chicom's butts this time they tried this stunt! HU HA!"

If only the US isn't full of bankers, techbros and online strippers instead of scientists and engineers this time...
Must be really frustrating. Imagine being one of the rare Indians with self-awareness like some of the guys in the comments. But your voice gets drowned out by the millions of unaware uncles who graduated from Whatsapp University.


Registered Member
"Jai Hamburger! We've kicked the Soviet's butts last time they tried this stunt, we'll definitely kick the Chicom's butts this time they tried this stunt! HU HA!"

If only the US isn't full of bankers, techbros and online strippers instead of scientists and engineers this time...
I don't think it matters how much funding NGAD secures. J-20s are supposed to cost as much per piece as F-22s and China is buying them in higher amounts than F-35.

Each of the ongoing 6th gen programs are probably $ 200B-1T in value. (Based off what B-21 costs). That is in addition to J-20 and J-35 program which are likely 1-2T spread out over several years. And then theres CVN program, DDGs being constantly built, 095 etc.

China is on a yearly basis maybe putting in $ 2-5 trillion equivalent of US procurement value. US would need to double or triple their entire budget, which isn't exactly feasible.


Junior Member
Registered Member
It's worse than that; the Western Elites want a more docile, obedient people to rule over and getting rid of genetic traits that will challenge their rule in favour of slavish indian genes and brutish violent subsaharan africans is their desired goal. So long as their Chosen People remain pure, they don't much care about other nations, in fact, subverting societies is the favoured anglo tactic.
Subsaharan Africans are "brutish and violent" now? Where did you get your info? You're acting like the people you deride, knock it off.
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Registered Member
Subsaharan Africans are "brutish and violent" now? You're acting like the people you deride, knock it off.
Well, their leaders are hardcore racists, they are not afraid to self select and "breed" the traits they consider appropriate into their servant populations, even if it seems sick to normal people.

In the end it's all a bit futile because these World Economic Forum style social engineering or what not will just be crushed under the East's tanks, missiles and boots. An empire that can't defend itself externally will be cannibalized by other empires.


Registered Member
"A Russian cargo ship that ran into trouble on Monday in the Mediterranean Sea and later sank was rocked by a series of three explosions in "an act of terrorism," state news agency RIA cited the vessel's owner as saying on Wednesday.
Russia's Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that the "Ursa Major," built in 2009, sank after an explosion ripped through its engine room and that two of its 16 crew were missing.[...]."

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I read somewhere, CN is only building a hydropower plant, not really a "reservoir" dam? Like water can pass thru and move generators...