Miscellaneous News


Another one for the psychologists (or maybe psychiatrists):

"Their best AI is not half as good as the publicly available American AI." - He knows jack about China, including its AI programs.

Well, Taiwan is priceless for China.
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Registered Member
Another one for the psychologists (or maybe psychiatrists):

"Jai Hamburger! We've kicked the Soviet's butts last time they tried this stunt, we'll definitely kick the Chicom's butts this time they tried this stunt! HU HA!"

Nobody told them that if only the US is filled with scientists and engineers instead of bankers, techbros and online strippers this time around...

This Rafale is 3.5G plane if you are looking at basic performance. over time it got capabilites with upgraded systems but basic thing hasnt changed. there is nothing it can do that an upgraded F-16 cannot do. and Soviet Airforce did much better than anybody else and Russian air force is still shaped by it.
This about 2 to 3 years old video of Su-25SM3 but it mostly refer to Soviet Afghan war where SU-25 perform 60,000 sorties for only 6 dead pilots. imagine the quality of engines, training that can achieve it. there is alot more in it but basic theme is Russia will continue to develop this doctorine of free hunting. I would not have believed such high sortie rate unless i have confidence on numbers from Syria from few aircrafts in first two years. and than one more thing Putin almost never visit outside country in twin engine plane. but that Syria 2017 visit he took that Tu-214. that time it was written the plane is comparable to wide body in performance in smaller airframe but more advanced in dealing with situation but now i can see what that plane is doing. commanding from behind at higher performance. just by observing what is presented regarding Su-57. i will call it certified 5.5G. only Arabs mentioned its flat spin. the rest will need to be proven over long ranges and high sortie rates. Indian should not use the term co develop FGFA when capabilities of two countries are in different universe.



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Something I have come to realize is that the Americans that work in the DoD seriously buy into their own koolaid. Their arrogance is truly astounding and they make no effort to humble themselves due to their belief in exceptionalism.

I suspect it is because those that choose to work in DoD in the US are generally those of lesser intelligence


Registered Member

Something I have come to realize is that the Americans that work in the DoD seriously buy into their own koolaid. Their arrogance is truly astounding and they make no effort to humble themselves due to their belief in exceptionalism.

I suspect it is because those that choose to work in DoD in the US are generally those of lesser intelligence
What else can they really do? They just need to keep their heads down and work harder on what projects they have. And yeah their government will pay them a larger budget, but there's not enough money in USG to outspend China's own budgets.

Tbh I'm surprised they're not making their own test. I was under the impression that NGAD is currently roughly near the 2001-2002 J-20 prototype stage. There should be enough material to show the public, and then from that point on, nationalistic coping will do the rest (in saving face).

They don't need to show a free flying NGAD over test grounds and allow potentially embarrassing photos if the plane isn't fully finished. They just need to find a 5 second footage of something flying, it should not be hard to cover up any pre-production flaws in a doctored video.

Edit: at this point even a taxiing test of NGAD will satisfy Americans massively.


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What else can they really do? They just need to keep their heads down and work harder on what projects they have. And yeah their government will pay them a larger budget, but there's not enough money in USG to outspend China's own budgets.

Tbh I'm surprised they're not making their own test. I was under the impression that NGAD is currently roughly near the 2001-2002 J-20 prototype stage. There should be enough material to show the public, and then from that point on, nationalistic coping will do the rest (in saving face).

Only hope is for Trump to fly it when Xi visits as a show of force.


Junior Member
Registered Member

Something I have come to realize is that the Americans that work in the DoD seriously buy into their own koolaid. Their arrogance is truly astounding and they make no effort to humble themselves due to their belief in exceptionalism.

I suspect it is because those that choose to work in DoD in the US are generally those of lesser intelligence

The reveal of J-36 shattered the ego of people that thought China will always be behind. It’s Mate 60 reveal x 100.