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Registered Member
Arunachal is claimed by CN right? South t1bet?
Technically, Arunachal Pradesh and South Tibet have large overlapping sections, but don't have the same claimed regions. Sikkim is really interesting, although China doesn't want to interfere with India's internal affairs. But if there was a growing Sikkim independence movement, sponsored by other countries, it would surely be convenient for China.
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Registered Member
But what is the point in China joining this G2 at all?

America cannot and will not bring anything substantive to the table, so it will just boil down to America publicly asking China to do the heavy lifting to solve all of their problems globally so America can then take credit if it works, and blame it all on China if it doesn’t.

There is zero substantive benefit to China to forming such a club other than the empty ‘prestige’ of being recognised as an ‘equal’ by America.

That might be something Jai Hinds will sell the soul and first borne for, but China couldn’t care less.
The correct way to handle it is bringing Indian diplomat in the meeting, and cede position to India. If US agree, they get a burden. If they say no, that is a direct insult to India that "China is worth more than India", and Indian will hate American forever. Win for China either way.


Junior Member
Registered Member
the difference is, when Ukraine loses on the field, Russia gains population from captured territories and POWs. Russia already gained 5 million population from the war:
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Russians and west both just don't make a big deal out of it for different reasons.
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, etc.
Right, but about 98% of Russian gains came from the first months of battles in 2022. Since then, Russian gains have been few, just empty and destroyed villages and small towns, a really slow and expensive advance of just 35 km west of the city of Donetsk.

Ukraine recovered much more territory with Russia's departure from Kharkov, Kiev and Sumy in 2022.

About 40% of Donetsk and Zaporizhia oblasts remain with Ukraine. A large portion of Kherson oblast also remains with Ukraine.

There is still a long way to go before the complete liberation of Donbas and with the current advance it will still cost Russia several years of battles.

And yet, Russia still keeps Ukraine's entire command and organizational structure intact and allows them to be nurtured by NATO weapons and money. This is absolutely disturbing. Russia seems afraid of winning.

More emotions and lack of concentration on the main body of the war. He gets it on the battlefield; that is where the efforts are concentrated. If you win this, you don't need anything else. If you lose this, nothing else will help. Everything about handing "death sentences" to "criminals" is just an emotion while war and territorial conquest is cold hard business.
I see more emotions in you defending a meager, expensive and therefore extremely inefficient progress in battlefield and moving away from the most reasonable conclusion, which is Putin's inability to resolve the Ukraine issue so far, unfortunately.

Given the difference in size and equipment, Russia should have defeated Ukraine a long time ago, and not be so afraid of destroying Zelensky and the so-called incompetent Ukrainian command structure.

Hold on, you read this paragraph and that's all you were able to get out of it?
I only answered what was worth. You wrote long texts with absurd conclusions in defense of Russia's sad and evident military and intel incompetence against Ukraine's cheap actions.
If that's what you concluded, then it is over for you and we've maxed out your intellectual capability at the risk-to-reward concept.
But unfortunately you are already starting to lower the level of the forum with personal and intellectual childish attacks against those who disagree with your beliefs. This is very boring and lowers the standard of debate. Let's avoid that.


Right, but about 98% of Russian gains came from the first months of battles in 2022. Since then, Russian gains have been few, just empty and destroyed villages and small towns, a really slow and expensive advance of just 35 km west of the city of Donetsk.

Ukraine recovered much more territory with Russia's departure from Kharkov, Kiev and Sumy in 2022.

About 40% of Donetsk and Zaporizhia oblasts remain with Ukraine. A large portion of Kherson oblast also remains with Ukraine.

There is still a long way to go before the complete liberation of Donbas and with the current advance it will still cost Russia several years of battles.

And yet, Russia still keeps Ukraine's entire command and organizational structure intact and allows them to be nurtured by NATO weapons and money. This is absolutely disturbing. Russia seems afraid of winning.
There it is in bold. The first thing you said that has a little bit of insight. There is the theory that at this point, Russia is dragging this on rather than using swift overwhelming force for a few reasons, not limited to:

1. The EU bleeds resources in this fight. It takes them out of an effective trade/tech war against China. Russia knows it's not going to rule the world, but if its Chinese ally can, it will earn major points in the new world order for doing its part to prevent an effective gang-up on China.

2. The EU is in recession while Russia is growing and indigenizing things that it used to import from Western Europe. Its economy is also orienting towards China and away from its enemies which was a Russian vulnerability. This will continue for as long as the conflict is alive and potentially stall afterwards.

3. Russia saw that its military is not anywhere near as effective as it thought with significant levels of corruption. As long as the war is on, Russia sharpens its claws. It gets to test and refine its weaponry, use up old stock, make new weapons, streamline production, fire and depose of incompetent leaders to install better ones, use this oppertunity to reawaken itself in case it needs to be in form for WWIII.

4. If Russia achieves a swift victory in Ukraine, all Russia-haters go into hiding and become terrorists. As long as this is happening, they are pulled onto the battlefield and killed in the open. The longer Russia grinds down its opposition in Ukraine, the smoother the transition to owning the territories it conquered.

There's more reasons that were discussed but you may ultimately dismiss that as all just "long text" with "absurd conclusions" since killing everybody now seems to be the only way to fight that you understand. Pity you don't command an army, eh? LOL
I see more emotions in you defending a meager, expensive and therefore extremely inefficient progress in battlefield and moving away from the most reasonable conclusion, which is Putin's inability to resolve the Ukraine issue so far, unfortunately.
You have imagined this, probably coming from your own emotions. The most logical conclusion is that Russia is not able to quickly resolve the Ukraine issue or it would have a long time ago. The theory I presented above is a backup one to this most obvisous conclusion as finishing Ukraine in a few months would have been the best outcome. This is accepted by everyone here but it also certainly does not mean that Russia is losing. It still has the much stronger upper hand in battlefield control, land gain, loss exchange ratio, and overall national effect as Russia's not even in wartime economy while Ukraine is basically wartorn.

You are completely unable to read arguments but only imagine simplistic ones which are not the opposing point. You argued that Russia needs to engage in more assassinations. I argued against that. You argued that Russia is losing?? Everyone can tell that's nonsense just by the map.
Given the difference in size and equipment, Russia should have defeated Ukraine a long time ago, and not be so afraid of destroying Zelensky and the so-called incompetent Ukrainian command structure.
Ukraine's not alone, is it? How many countries are bleeding into Ukraine to keep it standing?
I only answered what was worth.
Your answers don't even address the points, only point you imagine; they are worth nothing.
You wrote long texts with absurd conclusions in defense of Russia's sad and evident military and intel incompetence against Ukraine's cheap actions.
My responses are suitable for people who can read. For others, they're just "long text" with "absurd conclusions" which you cannot even understand much less respond to. Calling something absurd without a point-to-point reasoning is not a legitimate debate response.
But unfortunately you are already starting to lower the level of the forum with personal and intellectual childish attacks against those who disagree with your beliefs.
I tell it like it is. You can't read. Your responses either avoid the topic or they pretend I've said something else. And as for the level of the forum, you can go check from the first message in this exchange who has more upvotes to see who better-represents the forum and whom everyone is either ignoring, laughing at, or arguing against, thus lowering the level.
This is very boring and lowers the standard of debate.
It's really really boring when you can't read and respond to things that are not said or poorly to things that are said but you clearly did not understand. The standard of debate is that you need to be able to read.

By the way, this here is easily the most childish and standard lowering line yet:
"It's sad but apparently the Ukrainians are supermen and the Russians are subhumans with no ability to defend themselves"
Let's avoid that.
Sure. Let's start with you reading what I wrote and responding in point-to-point format. My examples should serve to teach you what proper point-to-point is.
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New Member
Registered Member
All govt employees should be banned from driving teslas or other western cars would be a good start. With modern softwares it's so easy for those cars to be compromised
I have always said that Western cars in China pose an immense security risk. If all Western cars stopped working at the same time the traffic all across China would collapse. The Chinese government should seriously consider a trade-in program for cars.

China also needs a contingency plan for Western planes in case of conflict with the US.


Registered Member
CNA, singapore based media talking abt Biotech/pharma industry in India and US China "pharma war".. just few weeks ago.. will US really ban pharma imports from CN?

"With the Biosecure Act passed by the US Congress, the US-China rivalry war has moved into pharmaceuticals. Citing national security concerns, American pharma companies could be limited from partnering their Chinese counterparts. China accounts for about 6% of drugs and 17% of raw material imports.

Enter India. As the third largest pharmaceutical manufacturing country, India can capitalise on the gap left by China. However, a spate of failed inspections and drug recalls have tarnished the reputation of India's drugmakers. So, earlier this year, the Modi government gave manufacturers one year to comply with a new set of standards.

What is behind the spotty quality controls in India's pharmaceutical sector? Can they raise standards to meet export requirements? And if they do not, what happens to patients? "



Senior Member
Registered Member
Jai Hinds are going crazy over a facebook post by Bangladesh Student leader Mahfuj Alam.

View attachment 141104
View attachment 141105

View attachment 141106
View attachment 141107

China should strengthen its relationship with Bangladesh to almost Pakistan level, maybe start by giving discounts to J-10 CE sales. I've said it before, this is one area where US and China could work together and solve the world's problems.
There's an actual advantage to this because Bangladesh is competent in manufacturing garments. Its not gonna be some sunk cost to give the middle finger to India.


Junior Member
Registered Member
There it is in bold. The first thing you said that has a little bit of insight. There is the theory that at this point, Russia is dragging this on rather than using swift overwhelming force for a few reasons, not limited to:

1. The EU bleeds resources in this fight. It takes them out of an effective trade/tech war against China. Russia knows it's not going to rule the world, but if its Chinese ally can, it will earn major points in the new world order for doing its part to prevent an effective gang-up on China.

2. The EU is in recession while Russia is growing and indigenizing things that it used to import from Western Europe. Its economy is also orienting towards China and away from its enemies which was a Russian vulnerability. This will continue for as long as the conflict is alive and potentially stall afterwards.

3. Russia saw that its military is not anywhere near as effective as it thought with significant levels of corruption. As long as the war is on, Russia sharpens its claws. It gets to test and refine its weaponry, use up old stock, make new weapons, streamline production, fire and depose of incompetent leaders to install better ones, use this oppertunity to reawaken itself in case it needs to be in form for WWIII.

4. If Russia achieves a swift victory in Ukraine, all Russia-haters go into hiding and become terrorists. As long as this is happening, they are pulled onto the battlefield and killed in the open. The longer Russia grinds down its opposition in Ukraine, the smoother the transition to owning the territories it conquered.
I used to advocate these 4 points too, but they cannot be sustained much longer as the war is draining resources from civilian productivity and fueling inflation. China-Russia economic relations are also not as vibrant as expected, with some Chinese companies and banks reluctant to adopt a new system independent of Western sanctions and investing in Russia. There are many projects and speeches, but more limited real progress.

If the war is resolved sooner, many more resources and personnel will be free to develop the economy, such as aviation which is suffering considerable delays. A quick victory will also bring about a change of mindset in Europe to accept the reality of a new multipolar world order. But this reluctant and fearful war only makes Western hawks bolder and freer to boycott alternatives.

So I thought like you, but reality shows that there is a time limit for this to make sense. This pace is not sustainable in the medium and long term.

Russia is not losing properly, but is unnecessarily turning the war into a stalemate

You are completely unable to read arguments but only imagine simplistic ones which are not the opposing point. You argued that Russia needs to engage in more assassinations. I argued against that. You argued that Russia is losing?? Everyone can tell that's nonsense just by the map.

Ukraine's not alone, is it? How many countries are bleeding into Ukraine to keep it standing?

Your answers don't even address the points, only point you imagine; they are worth nothing.

My responses are suitable for people who can read. For others, they're just "long text" with "absurd conclusions" which you cannot even understand much less respond to. Calling something absurd without a point-to-point reasoning is not a legitimate debate response.

I tell it like it is. You can't read. Your responses either avoid the topic or they pretend I've said something else. And as for the level of the forum, you can go check from the first message in this exchange who has more upvotes to see who better-represents the forum and whom everyone is either ignoring, laughing at, or arguing against, thus lowering the level.

It's really really boring when you can't read and respond to things that are not said or poorly to things that are said but you clearly did not understand. The standard of debate is that you need to be able to read.

By the way, this here is easily the most childish and standard lowering line yet:
"It's sad but apparently the Ukrainians are supermen and the Russians are subhumans with no ability to defend themselves"

Sure. Let's start with you reading what I wrote and responding in point-to-point format. My examples should serve to teach you what proper point-to-point is.
Well, the rest of your post is just childish personal attacks with no substance. It's not worth responding and it just makes this forum more similar to the Russian, Indian, Brazilian forums or Twitter with lots of useless words and low quality discussions. I'm not going to encourage that.

It's life, in every space there are people with these disrespectful habits without the ability to know how to deal with anyone who disagrees with something. It is part of humanity and adults need to know how to filter this content that comes from those who have immature, rude and disrespectful behaviors.
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