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If it's a war, then the enemy is a criminal with a death sentence. Otherwise the enemy will win the war and will kill.
More emotions and lack of concentration on the main body of the war. He gets it on the battlefield; that is where the efforts are concentrated. If you win this, you don't need anything else. If you lose this, nothing else will help. Everything about handing "death sentences" to "criminals" is just an emotion while war and territorial conquest is cold hard business.
Whoever first takes away the enemy's ability to kill will win the war.
What does that mean? Nothing that supports your argument. Russians take away Ukraine's ability to kill by literally killing off significant portions of their male population and causing another significant portion to flee. Ukraine does what? Assassinate a Russian general who's replaced so fast, it's an automatic function of the chain of command.
If a Ukrainian nobody can kill Russian generals, scientists and civilians,
Many many Ukrainian nobodys, often those who get arrested or killed without any fanfare because they were just nobodies caught up in a war.
but a professional Russian agent cannot kill Ukrainian leaders who order terrorist attacks,
I see the risk-to-reward concept flew way over your head. Also, I had already asked before, who are these "masterminds" that you claim exist? They look like just a function of the Ukrainian military unless you have some evidence.
then it's over. It's sad but apparently the Ukrainians are supermen and the Russians are subhumans with no ability to defend themselves, much less win a war.
Hold on, you read this paragraph and that's all you were able to get out of it?

"Russia kills them on the battlefield and it's fine with the ones that are failing and not on the battlefield. There is no individual who is a bane to Russia, producing force multipliers on the battlefield while safe in a Ukrainian city. Ukraine has no commanders of such worth and basically no scientists who produce anything at all. Sending assassins comes with risks; you don't need to take that risk if you're confident in combat. The risk-to-reward has to make sense for assassination attempts. Ukrainians risked a nobody to plant a bomb; if he were sniped in the head on the way over, nobody would care. His target was a Russian general would would be the highest profile target Ukraine ever aimed for. Risk-to-Reward makes sense. If Russia sends someone, they are risking a professionally trained agent from the Spetznaz or FSB with intelligence and operational value everywhere; his target would be some useless loudmouth beggar daydreaming about invading China while getting invaded by Russia. Risk-to-Reward, totally opposite of what it needs to be. Your assassination of leaders is just an emotional reaction which is an unneeded risk and endeavour in a situation of battlefield victory and in an enemy environment that is extremely poor in valuable/meaningful targets."

If that's what you concluded, then it is over for you and we've maxed out your intellectual capability at the risk-to-reward concept.
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And every American dying or incompetent promoted is MSS hit job

Stop being a tool buying PMC tier US nationalist copium
But two high value military related deaths in 18 months.
At least the MSS should be paranoid enough to investigate further. Monitor any survivors of the fatal crashes, see if they have new money or access money from outside bank, monitored their activity 6months to 1 year before the incident, review all their online messages, check their phone for western chat apps keep a close eye on them, check the cars for any malware, make sure the survivors don't leave the country etc.

If an average no body like me is thinking of this, I would be very surprised if the MSS is not, or otherwise they are quite incompetent, which I don't think is the case.


But two high value military related deaths in 18 months.
At least the MSS should be paranoid enough to investigate further. Monitor any survivors of the fatal crashes, see if they have new money or access money from outside bank, monitored their activity 6months to 1 year before the incident, review all their online messages, check their phone for western chat apps keep a close eye on them, check the cars for any malware, make sure the survivors don't leave the country etc.

If an average no body like me is thinking of this, I would be very surprised if the MSS is not, or otherwise they are quite incompetent, which I don't think is the case.
I am sure that the protocol is to definitely investigate with the possibility in mind but never accuse without evidence. How many high value military-related leaders are there in China? Hundreds? Thousands? What's the definition of high value? I surely never heard of his name before he died. Statistically, with China's traffic death-rate, how many would you think could get into fatal accidents in 18 months within a 95% confidence interval? So once again, investigate with a suspiscious eye but don't be paranoid either.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
these were 10000% mossad and CIA hit jobs
Honestly these were probably just accidents
- China has a lot of technical experts in a lot of fields, statistically they will get into car accidents, you don't hear about non-fatal ones so it looks like all accidents you hear are fatal.
- With modern safety systems car crashes are not a very reliable way to ensure success if you want to kill someone, and being in public it's fairly easy to investigate and trace, which in China means exposing your intelligence network.
- The guy has won awards but at end of the day he's not really important enough for an adversary to expose their own intelligence network for.
- If an actually important person was actually assassinated and Chinese intelligence knew it was an assassination, it would not be in the news.


Registered Member
But two high value military related deaths in 18 months.
At least the MSS should be paranoid enough to investigate further. Monitor any survivors of the fatal crashes, see if they have new money or access money from outside bank, monitored their activity 6months to 1 year before the incident, review all their online messages, check their phone for western chat apps keep a close eye on them, check the cars for any malware, make sure the survivors don't leave the country etc.
They have pretty insane security protocols (I mean just look at the things they declassified even decades ago about how to make it so no one would know they had nukes until the moment they tested it) so I'd guess any researcher is whether alive or dead under fairly heavy surveillance, at least while their contract with the government is active.

Trying to find meaning in n=2 in a community of 10-100 millions across 18 months is madness, it is just US' version of seeing Arabic soft power everywhere, a cope over their own powerlessness.


Registered Member
Jai Hinds are going crazy over a facebook post by Bangladesh Student leader Mahfuj Alam.



China should strengthen its relationship with Bangladesh to almost Pakistan level, maybe start by giving discounts to J-10 CE sales. I've said it before, this is one area where US and China could work together and solve the world's problems.
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Registered Member
Jai Hinds are going crazy over a facebook post by Bangladesh Student leader Mahfuj Alam.

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China should strengthen its relationship with Bangladesh to almost Pakistan level, maybe start by giving discounts to J-10 CE sales. I've said it before, this is one area where US and China could work together and solve the world's problems.
Does the map include bhutan or nepal areas?