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Bond yields being low is good. It means the cost of borrowing is low. The lower the bond yield the better.

It is like saying someone is poor because they have low interest rates.

Governments with high credit have lower bond yields.

People with high credit have lower interest rates.

Governments with low credit have high bond yields.

People with low credit have high interest rates.

If high bond yields is good then high interest rates are good and Zimbabwe has a booming economy.
Japan has low yields and it stagnated despite benefit of Arabs and under US.


Zelensky, Budanov and Yermak have been in charge since the beginning, they openly threaten and take credit for terrorist attacks and continue with impunity, parading around the world enjoying all the luxuries in exchange for killing Russians.
And they've been doing a shit job since the beginning. Assassinating people who are losing on the battlefield is of limited value at best, but actually a gamble, possibly allowing the ascension of more capable leaders.
Regardless of the military battlefields, Ukraine's commanders and leaders should have been hunted as terrorists a long time ago, but Russia does not do this. As if the crime paid off.
There is no "regardless of military battlefields." That is the goal. Preventing individuals from gain due to emotional dislike towards them while setting the battlefield aside is throwing away watermelons for sesame seeds as the Chinese say.
Dugina, Crocus City Hall attack, scientists, generals, hundreds of missile and drone attacks against Russian cities already with hundreds of civilian casualties.
Russia certainly needs to improve on this, although once again, the game is much more difficult for Russia since its territory is large, sparcely populated and its population is pretty much indistinguishable from the Ukrainian population.
All with the Ukrainian and Western masterminds going unpunished.
Are there masterminds? It seems to be military-affiliated people with drones.
Attacking the same broken power plant transformers
Somehow, I feel like you're making this up. They're either striking new ones or if they are attacking the same ones again, it is because they were repaired or still working in some manner.
or taking uninhabited villages
They're uninhabited because the enemy fled.
is not an answer nor does it scare any enemy supported by NATO.
If killing them en masse on the battlefield doesn't do the trick, assassinations won't either.
I bet the US strategy is to make Putin lose credibility until he is deposed and needs to flee like Assad.
That would be typical in how stupid their strategies are.
All of Syria's gains since 2015 were lost in just 1 week.
Because Russia could not fight there and the rot has been happening for years. Nobody was still willing to fight. In Ukraine, Russia's just gaining.
And with the generals' lives at risk, it is not unreasonable to think that Putin could be deposed in the future. That's if he doesn't suffer the same fate as Nasrallah
It's completely unreasonable. The natural reaction is to improve security/intelligence and combat tactics. Your natural reaction to a general being assassinated is to attack your own president??
, because what's the point of having missiles if you don't use them against your enemies?
I don't even know what that means. Russia has been pounding Ukraine with missles since the first day. Recently new missles were added and used.
It is just the most dramatic result of losing deterrence.
While gaining territory?
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Registered Member
Zelensky, Budanov and Yermak have been in charge since the beginning, they openly threaten and take credit for terrorist attacks and continue with impunity, parading around the world enjoying all the luxuries in exchange for killing Russians.

Regardless of the military battlefields, Ukraine's commanders and leaders should have been hunted as terrorists a long time ago, but Russia does not do this. As if the crime paid off.

Dugina, Crocus City Hall attack, scientists, generals, hundreds of missile and drone attacks against Russian cities already with hundreds of civilian casualties. All with the Ukrainian and Western masterminds going unpunished.

Attacking the same broken power plant transformers or taking uninhabited villages is not an answer nor does it scare any enemy supported by NATO.

I bet the US strategy is to make Putin lose credibility until he is deposed and needs to flee like Assad. All of Syria's gains since 2015 were lost in just 1 week.

And with the generals' lives at risk, it is not unreasonable to think that Putin could be deposed in the future. That's if he doesn't suffer the same fate as Nasrallah, because what's the point of having missiles if you don't use them against your enemies? It is just the most dramatic result of losing deterrence.
Lmfao complete western cope there. Zelensky is the one depleting everything in his country while pissing away aid money, just like Assad. Assad lasted 12 years but Zelensky is barely making it over 3.

Russia killed way more Ukrainian commanders, officers and advisors. The truth is there is just no symmetry in Ukraine's ability to retaliate, just like Hamas killing that 1 or 2 Israeli generals does not stop them from taking damage on the ground.

Nevertheless, Russia should go ruthless on Ukraine for its 2nd (!) succesful defeat of a high ranking officer in more than 2 years of war. Inflict disproportionate retribution, only way to keep Ukrainian morale low and clear the country from people who would resist Russia.
And they've been doing a shit job since the beginning. Assassinating people who are losing on the battlefield is of limited value at best, but actually a gamble, possibly allowing the ascension of more capable leaders.

There is no "regardless of military battlefields." That is the goal. Preventing individuals from gain due to emotional dislike towards them while setting the battlefield aside is throwing away watermelons for sesame seeds as the Chinese say.
It's mostly the pro-Russian pretending like they have only altruistic goals and never hurt non combatants. The reality if you know from Ukrainian on the ground is that they're essentially doing what Israel wants to do with their neighbors. Displace and kill everyone that doesn't subject themselves. Except they're more succesful as they've driven away millions and killed about as many as well.

Regardless of this behavior, China supports Russia because there's no morals in geopolitics.


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And they've been doing a shit job since the beginning. Assassinating people who are losing on the battlefield is of limited value at best, but actually a gamble, possibly allowing the ascension of more capable leaders.

There is no "regardless of military battlefields." That is the goal. Preventing individuals from gain due to emotional dislike towards them while setting the battlefield aside is throwing away watermelons for sesame seeds as the Chinese say.

Russia certainly needs to improve on this, although once again, the game is much more difficult for Russia since its territory is large, sparcely populated and its population is pretty much indistinguishable from the Ukrainian population.

Are there masterminds? It seems to be military-affiliated people with drones.

Somehow, I feel like you're making this up. They're either striking new ones or if they are attacking the same ones again, it is because they were repaired or still working in some manner.

They're uninhabited because the enemy fled.

If killing them en masse on the battlefield doesn't do the trick, assassinations won't either.

That would be typical in how stupid their strategies are.

Because Russia could not fight there and the rot has been happening for years. Nobody was still willing to fight. In Ukraine, Russia's just gaining.

It's completely unreasonable. The natural reaction is to improve security/intelligence and combat tactics. Your natural reaction to a general being assassinated is to attack your own president??

I don't even know what that means. Russia has been pounding Ukraine with missles since the first day. Recently new missles were added and used.

While gaining territory?
There is nothing emotional about punishing criminals. It is the whole objective of enforcing the law and respect and fulfilling the purpose of this military intervention since 2022. What really separates civilization from the jungle.

If by killing the leaders the Ukrainians put in place more capable ones, Russia should just do its job and kill the new leaders too. If they are not capable of making their law prevail, then they do not deserve to win and will have the fate they deserve.

There is no contradiction between winning on the battlefield and decapitating enemy leaders. Quite the contrary, because without leaders Ukraine would have lost on the battlefield long ago and would have become a new Syria faster, completely harmless to its neighbors.
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Puppet backing backfires constantly
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Daniel Larison
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Moon of Alabama

Salt mine
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Council on Foreign Relations

Now even the Unz is hit in the face by Chinese reality.
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What made these accusations about Xinjiang seem so totally absurd was that the huge province was
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, who regularly traveled there in large numbers, attracted by its scenic vistas and interesting Muslim Turkic culture. The notion that China was committing a “genocide” in a region constantly crisscrossed by tourists seemed like the most mindless sort of dishonest propaganda, aimed at the gullible and the dim-witted.
I discovered the easy availability of such direct personal evidence about Chinese society.
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Ok first of all, I answered all of your points by point-to-point. I see you've missed the vast majority of them and answered only a couple you chose.
There is nothing emotional about punishing criminals. It's the whole goal of enforcing the law and respecting and complying with military intervention since 2022. What actually separates civilization from the jungle.
It's war. There's no criminality; you're just killing them where you catch them, whether it be on the battlefield or on failed missions. It's emotional that you focus on individuals rather than the tide of the battlefield.
If by killing the leaders the Ukrainians put in place more capable ones, Russia should just do its job and kill the new leaders too. If they are not capable of making their law prevail, then they do not deserve to win and will have the fate they deserve.

There is no contradiction between winning on the battlefield and decapitating enemy leaders. Quite the contrary, without leaders, Ukraine would have lost on the battlefield long ago and would have become a new Syria faster, completely harmless to its neighbors.
Russia kills them on the battlefield and it's fine with the ones that are failing and not on the battlefield. There is no individual who is a bane to Russia, producing force multipliers on the battlefield while safe in a Ukrainian city. Ukraine has no commanders of such worth and basically no scientists who produce anything at all. Sending assassins comes with risks; you don't need to take that risk if you're confident in combat. The risk-to-reward has to make sense for assassination attempts. Ukrainians risked a nobody to plant a bomb; if he were sniped in the head on the way over, nobody would care. His target was a Russian general would would be the highest profile target Ukraine ever aimed for. Risk-to-Reward makes sense. If Russia sends someone, they are risking a professionally trained agent from the Spetznaz or FSB with intelligence and operational value everywhere; his target would be some useless loudmouth beggar daydreaming about invading China while getting invaded by Russia. Risk-to-Reward, totally opposite of what it needs to be. Your assassination of leaders is just an emotional reaction which is an unneeded risk and endeavour in a situation of battlefield victory and in an enemy environment that is extremely poor in valuable/meaningful targets.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
It's war. There's no criminality; you're just killing them where you catch them, whether it be on the battlefield or on failed missions. It's emotional that you focus on individuals rather than the tide of the battlefield.
If it's a war, then the enemy is a criminal with a death sentence. Otherwise the enemy will win the war and will kill.

Whoever first takes away the enemy's ability to kill will win the war.
Russia kills them on the battlefield and it's fine with the ones that are failing and not on the battlefield. There is no individual who is a bane to Russia, producing force multipliers on the battlefield while safe in a Ukrainian city. Ukraine has no commanders of such worth and basically no scientists who produce anything at all. Sending assassins comes with risks; you don't need to take that risk if you're confident in combat. The risk-to-reward has to make sense for assassination attempts. Ukrainians sent a nobody to plant a bomb; if he were sniped in the head on the way over, nobody would care. His target was a Russian general would would be the highest profile target Ukraine ever aimed for. Risk-to-Reward makes sense. If Russia sends someone, they are sending a professionally trained agent from the Spetznaz or FSB with intelligence and operational value everywhere; his target would be some useless loudmouth daydreaming about invading China while getting invaded by Russia. Risk-to-Reward, totally opposite of what it needs to be. Your assassination of leaders is just an emotional reaction which is an unneeded risk and endeavour in a situation of battlefield victory and in an enemy environment that is extremely poor in valuable/meaningful targets
If a Ukrainian nobody can kill Russian generals, scientists and civilians, but a professional Russian agent cannot kill Ukrainian leaders who order terrorist attacks, then it's over. It's sad but apparently the Ukrainians are supermen and the Russians are subhumans with no ability to defend themselves, much less win a war.
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Registered Member
There is nothing emotional about punishing criminals. It is the whole objective of enforcing the law and respect and fulfilling the purpose of this military intervention since 2022. What really separates civilization from the jungle.

If by killing the leaders the Ukrainians put in place more capable ones, Russia should just do its job and kill the new leaders too. If they are not capable of making their law prevail, then they do not deserve to win and will have the fate they deserve.

There is no contradiction between winning on the battlefield and decapitating enemy leaders. Quite the contrary, because without leaders Ukraine would have lost on the battlefield long ago and would have become a new Syria faster, completely harmless to its neighbors.

Current death rate of Ukrainians (18.6/1000) is higher than the WW2 average (1.4/1000).

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Junior Member
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Current death rate of Ukrainians (18.6/1000) is higher than the WW2 average (1.4/1000).

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Yeah , the Ukrainians as cannon fodder never had a chance, but the Ukrainian leaders of countless terrorist attacks remain free, ordering more attacks against Russians and being well paid for it. That's the point.

I don't think it's emotional to punish criminal enemy leaders.

Israel, for example, we have to admit, was quite rational in beheading the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah, suffering very few civilian casualties and thus avoiding unnecessary Israeli deaths.

And remember, Ukraine still has millions of cannon fodder for several years maintaining the trend. And they are thinking about sending more by lowering the combat age to 18 years old.


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This is a reply to In4ser’s reply to me. For some reason hitting reply the normal way ain’t working.

I’d rather have China act strong. What’s the point of looking weak especially when you’re not? The Chinese way of thinking is so people don’t pay attention to you. Sorry that doesn’t work for China. China is too big to ignore. The US wants China to look weak for a reason. If China looks strong economically, the less countries are going to go along with the US because that’s the point why the US wants to portray China as weak so they act accordingly against China as it wishes. Why would China help the US make themselves look weak? You want the US to look wrong so everyone sees they aren’t right so no one listens to them. Helping the US look right doesn’t help China.

US and the West is talk talk talk, they are almost as bad as India now.
No one ever does anything.

EV plants, semiconductors, Foxconn in Wisconsin. All of these projects is always hype about "stakeholder engagement", "future economic benefits", "x# of jobs", "sustainability"

Look at the Goro mine in New Caledonia, it was supposed to be the future of Nickel production using HPAL technology. 4 billion and they never got it working. China got it working in Indonesia. Now they have the biggest Nickel processing capability. It is really important in NMC batteries for EVs, but the crazy thing is that China is even looking to displace NMC anyway.

Then you hear them talking about "CHINA SUBSIDIZES EVS LIKE CRAZY", then you see Northvolt which was bankrolled by western governments around the world go dead.

HSR in California, nothing more needs to be said...

Even the Brightline in Florida, hailed as a huge success, it only goes 200km/h max speed, and has killed 50 people in 2 years (level crossings for HSR are bad). By comparison, the Wenzhou disaster had 40 deaths and the western news made it seem like HSR in China is a death trap.