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But what is the point in China joining this G2 at all?

America cannot and will not bring anything substantive to the table, so it will just boil down to America publicly asking China to do the heavy lifting to solve all of their problems globally so America can then take credit if it works, and blame it all on China if it doesn’t.

There is zero substantive benefit to China to forming such a club other than the empty ‘prestige’ of being recognised as an ‘equal’ by America.

That might be something Jai Hinds will sell the soul and first borne for, but China couldn’t care less.
US is not completely unable to offer any benefits for China. China has greater direct power, but US still has legitimacy, especially among the colonized world.

There's a lot of avenues China can explore to increase its legitimacy by siphoning it off America. Issuing dollar bonds for its own development is for example just 1 example which strengthens China at the expense of US while also relying on "keeping the enemy close".

It all depends on if Beijing thinks they want to explore this path, imho it is neither inherently bad nor good.

It only costs pride for China to publicly lower itself to US' level, if the result is increasing China's grip on the world, it is mostly justified. It's not like China is a prideful or face obsessed civilization (if it was, it wouldn't have survived and stayed powerful for so long). It's always focused on improving it's position, both civilian and military.


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Globe and mail :
"First Uyghur refugee arrives under Canadian effort to resettle persecuted minority groups from China"
By Steven Chase
Seems paid article:
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Author steven chase, seems to be involve in kinda "anti CN stories"?
He had interview w T41w4n official before.


"Citizens from 54 countries, including Russia, Brazil, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada, who cannot travel to China visa-free can now take advantage of the new transit visa exemption, which allows them to travel throughout the nation in just 240 hours."



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"Experts say Abrams tanks will bolster Taiwan's ability to repel PLA landings
M1A2T tanks and AH-64E Apache helicopters could strengthen Taiwan's defenses" by Keoni Everington

"[...]the first 38 M1A2T Abrams tanks out of 108 purchased from the US arrived at Hsinchu County's Hukou Township. The Army plans to keep 10 tanks at the Armor Training Command and Armor School in Hukou Township, while the remaining 98 will be deployed to the Army's 269th Brigade in New Taipei's Linkou District and the 584th Brigade in Hukou, per CNA.[...]"

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Some of the experts cited in article:
Ying-Yu Lin
Chieh Chung
Huang En-hao
Su Tzu-yun

Keoni everington
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Senior Member
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Globe and mail :
"First Uyghur refugee arrives under Canadian effort to resettle persecuted minority groups from China"
By Steven Chase
Seems paid article:
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Author steven chase, seems to be involve in kinda "anti CN stories"?
View attachment 141050
He had interview w T41w4n official before.


"Citizens from 54 countries, including Russia, Brazil, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada, who cannot travel to China visa-free can now take advantage of the new transit visa exemption, which allows them to travel throughout the nation in just 240 hours."

It's really funny. All this virtue signaling about saving Ughyurs but as soon as they are actually given a chance to be saved by moving to the west, all these guys suddenly go China is doing the right thing regarding them.

That's why this thing never had any staying power.


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The failure in security and intelligence is evident.

It's tragic, but at this point Russia starts to resemble Hezbollah and Iran, losing generals and scientists without the ability to provide any response to reestablish deterrence.

Ukrainian and Western leaders are intact and feel safe to dare more and more, while being able to send the message that they can kill whoever they want in Russia with impunity.
How many Russian generals and scientists have been killed this way so far? I remember this admin military sign building was bombed and the daughter of a Russian nationalist was killed. Who else?