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Even if the killing never happened, saying they assassinated a scientist is incredibly foolish. They would be taking on all the repercussions without getting any of the benefit.
Not really, Russia can't majorly act on something that was only reported on one fake news channel. It's like when at the start of the Lebanon war, someone on Hezbollah side announced Israel's air force chief had been killed, when in reality it was just his house being struck.

They would just look like retards if they suddenly started preferentially shooting at crowds with the excuse of avenging an alive man.

In this way, the side making claims is getting all the morale boost with little/none of the risk. The only price is their reliability but let's face it, it's rock bottom anyways.


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Bit disappointed that Ding Liren lost to Gukesh at the world chess championship. It was so close to going to tiebreaks where Ding was favoured. However Ding screwed up at the last moment so here we are.

But to be fair Ding was ranked like #20 because of his bad form and people didn't really give him much chance. So getting this far despite being out of form and wanting to no longer be active is already something.

Personally I kinda get why chess under it's grueling 4+ hour game format will never take off in significant popularity. A lot of games were draws and that's going to kill interest. It takes far too much effort to prepare and honestly if you were that smart, you probably could be using your brains to actually contribute more in a technology field to make a difference.

The USSR kept boasting about it's chess talent. Yet the country for some reason decide to commit a game ending blunder in 1991 and kill itself. So that chess talent didn't help it's government much did it.
I very much agree with Elon Musk that Chess isn't really useful in real life.

I did (play chess) as a child, but found it to be too simple to be useful in real life: a mere 8 by 8 grid, no fog of war, no technology tree, no random map or spawn position, only 2 players, both sides exact same pieces etc.
-Elon Musk

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The classical format enables so many "draws" which makes for an incredibly boring to watch. There was 12 straight draws in Magnus v. Fabiano championship, and 12 straight draws in Nepo vs. Ding championship. Very disappointing, it is a game that pure calculation can be very good at (see India).


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We've learned through Salt Typhoon - a story I'm surprised isn't gaining more traction - that China can spy on any communication on a US telecoms carrier. Perhaps the story doesn't have more attention because it's so catastrophic.

Just imagine what China's doing to South Korea.

Judging from his appearance, his vampirism hasn't helped. If he's looking for the fountain of youth, he should keep looking.
He’s attempting to find it in the rectums of young men but evidently has not been rewarded for his exertions.
Russian wheat has been freed from the clutches of the tyrannical Assad?

Honestly I was thinking the west would quickly remove sanctions on new Syria and they will enjoy a quick burst of economic recovery and be held up as shining example of revolution but now I'm not so sure. If sanction isn't removed and Russian stop their grain shipment the people will have to face a choice between Maxim, Marx or Malthus.
Given how quickly these Syrians and arabs were to blame China for their own cowardice and ineptitude in the downfall of the Syrian government, I have little sympathy for what happens to them afterwards.
Oh well it was worth a shot.

I feel Trump respects guys like Xi and Kim more than even people in his own party. Coz unlike those guys, they don't hide the fact they are competitors with Trump.
Art of the Deal means trump and the Anglos need to feel pain before they must display their commitment to good faith negotiations with China, perhaps with unrestricted market access for Chinese tech and cars into the U.S. and its vassal states like Canada.
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Non-combatants are fair game. Yet another Pandora's Box has been opened.
This is basically US and NATO targeted assassination of Russian scientists, as the Israelis did in Iran and what they have been doing against Chinese scientists.


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Milei is the man!
Viva la libertad carajo !
Truly a master of economics.

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Might indicate that Xinjiang projects are completed and the border is "secure enough".
Of course you have no deficits if you never spend a single dime. In the other hand no roads, no hospitals, no nothing. Haiti is good example with low deficits because they never spend. But in the other I really hope that a least Argentinians have to pay less taxes because will suck having to pay taxes and receive nothing in exchange.


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His wealth is largely tied to Tesla shares and Tesla's market value is entirely based on assumption FSD will be achieved anytime soon - something this diabolical oligarch has spent lying about for the past decade. Greatest snake oil salesman of our times!

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Junior Member
Registered Member
Milei is the man!
Viva la libertad carajo !
Truly a master of economics.

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Might indicate that Xinjiang projects are completed and the border is "secure enough".
"The economy has gone into a deep slump. The IMF forecasts a contraction of 3.5% for 2024. That’s the biggest contraction in any of the G20 top economies and only surpassed by gangster-ridden Haiti and civil war-smashed South Sudan."

"Milei aims to end hyperinflation in the economy through a deliberately engineered slump in production and consumption that destroys costs for capital. By cutting public sector spending and jobs and subsidies for the poor, he aims to increase the rate of exploitation for business and eventually boost the profitability of Argentine capital in order to inspire investment."

Milei has closed 13 ministries and fired some 30,000 public employees, 10% of the federal workforce. He has also frozen public works and reduced the funds that are allocated to education, health, scientific research and pensions. The budgetary cuts have been especially hard on infrastructure (-74%), education (-52%), social development (-60%), healthcare (-28%) and federal assistance to the provinces (-68%)."

"State pensions have been frozen. As it is, a pensioner in the lowest income bracket currently receives the equivalent of $320 a month, or barely a third of the $900 that a household requires to survive."

"According to the National Interuniversity Council, 70% of teaching and non-teaching salaries fall below the poverty line. Milei has now eliminated the National Fund for Teacher Incentives, which subsidised these very low salaries of teachers throughout the country and represented almost 80% of the transfers from the federal government to the provinces for educational purposes. In addition to suspending infrastructure upgrades to schools, he also cut student scholarship programs by 69%. University budgets were frozen and so many campuses were left without resources to pay for gas heating and electricity and the university system declared a state of emergency."

"Poverty levels have worsened significantly. Argentina’s poverty rate has jumped from almost 42% to 53%, an extra 3.4m Argentines. Two-thirds of Argentine children under the age of 14 are living in poverty. Milei has eliminated subsidies that were managed through social organizations. Among the aid interrupted is the distribution of food to soup kitchens, which serve children and entire families. Employment programs channeled through worker cooperatives have also been cancelled. Argentines incresingly cannot get jobs and cannot afford even enough to feed the family properly."

"Subsidies on electricity, gas, water and public transit have been cut. In December 2023, a middle-class family spent about 30,105 pesos (about $30) a month on electricity, gas, water and public transportation. But in September 2024, spending had risen to 141,543 pesos ($142)."

"These massive hits to the living standards of average Argentines, along with continuing rises in inflation have led to a collapse in consumption. In the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) a 12.9% year-on-year decline was recorded and -2.3% compared to April 2024. In the rest of the country, consumption fell 15.5%% yoy and 3.6% compared to April 2024."

"There has been further increase in inequality. The top 10% of income earners now earn 23 times more than the poorest decile, compared to 19 times a year ago. The fall in income reached 33.5% year-on-year in real terms among the poorest decile, but only 20.2% among the richest. The gini inequality index has hit an all-time high of 0.47."

Shock therapy was already applied to post Soviet states and we know how it went for them, Argentina will be another failed example.

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Registered Member
Milei is the man!
Viva la libertad carajo !
Truly a master of economics.
He hasn't fixed the actual issue of increasing poverty rate.

But it was most likely wise to remove all the excess bureaucracy. Nearly every president in China worked on this platform as well. The question is, did he accidentally remove important functions of the economy at the same time? Looking the spiking poverty rate and depression, I'd say yes.
A year ago, a degenerate printed 13% of GDP to win an election, fueling inflation
Visions of blue white and red


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I understand what you mean and I agree. The concept of war crimes is an oxymoron; the only thing that matters is victory.

But isn't Ukraine being incredibly stupid by going public with this information? Russia has escalation dominance and they now have an excuse to be as brutal as they want. By right from might, Russia can simply declare all Ukrainian taxpayers valid targets because nobody can enforce the rules against them. That's why I said a Pandora's Box has been opened.
Russia has already accused Ukraine of being the perpetrator of the terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall in Moscow earlier this year and Putin has really done nothing to escalate against the Kiev regime.

The Russians only show restraint in this war, they really want to avoid a full-scale war with the West.

Thus, Kiev is free to continue to have a normal life with routine visits from European and American officials, while at the same time being able to inflict these attacks and PR stunts to make Putin look like a weak and cowardly leader.

Ukrainian leaders are paid by the US and EU to do this, so they will just continue as they are profiting and not suffering anything in retaliation. Only the common Ukrainian people are left impoverished, left without energy and then sent to the meat grinder on the front lines.