Biden is simultaneously a feeble old man and yet the mastermind behind the Biden crime family.
China just steals our technology, but we have to block them from importing their advanced electric cars.
Their "logic" is that China can only copy, cannot innovate, and has stolen the tech for advanced EVs but is now churning them out at "unfair" prices and quantities (cue stereotype of low quality as well) using slave labor.
The belief in such a false explanation is why they think simple solutions like tech sanctions or tariffs will somehow make a long term difference.
The minds of those that believe this are virtually impervious to outside information. I've seen some, when challenged with Chinese battery tech, dismiss it as not true innovation because China mines a lot of rare earths and lithium, even though sitting on mineral deposits doesn't mean one automatically becomes an expert in the industrial applications of those minerals.
The racist assumption that Asians cannot innovate so any tech they have must have been stolen somehow and at most they made minor improvements is so ingrained in many people's minds that I think nothing less than full spectrum technological dominance and supremacy by China, exhibited so blatantly that even the blind will see, will shatter their delusions.