Oh look, seems like some group of people are getting more anxious and terrified after Trump's announcement of imminent mass deportation of those self-loathing bobablib Hanjian "润"-ers:

Those self-loathing bobalib Hanjian "润"-ers be like:
- Wanted for breaking Chinese law/owes huge debt in China/believes the US is a literal "heaven on earth"
- Decides to "润" to the US in order to escape responsibilities back in China and/or embrace "heaven" in the US
- "走线" to the US, live like roaches and work in slave/low-wage jobs as illegals
- Hating on their own homeland and countrymen, holding themselves as "superior" and lick Murican boots to seek validation
- Suddenly Trump wins
- Trump wants to deport them back to China,
- "
How could they Muricans deport us loyal Murican subjects back to bad evil SeeSeePee!"
- Realizing that the Chinese people in China don't want them back in China either
- "
How dare the Chinese people not pity us '润'-ers as 'compatriots' (同胞)!" "
The Chinese government must reaccept and facilitate our return to Chinese society"
Honestly at this point, I'd like China to "deport" all of them to break rocks in Xizang and dig canals in Xinjiang - For as long as possible.