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That is 100% not the reason why he's in HK. Probably to communicate with China about more chip sanctions with regards to Trump's upcoming admin and possible ways to mitigate it.
Probably similar to why Tim Cook is in China for the 3rd time this year.

Learnt some new names here, turns out Greta Thunberg is also an antisemite.
Somehow important guys like Neil Shen and Harry Shum just happened to be in HK to meet him in person lol.

There's obviously some under the table deal Nvidia, China and maybe HK too. All without the US knowing the details.

Stuff like this I why I believe the US will never really trust Taiwanese. They deep down feel Taiwanese will always pick China when things are really tough. Nobody cares who you are loyal to when the stakes don't matter.


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Another bookworm stooge warmonger, I guess is easy to provoke needless wars when you're not the one that will face the full brunt force of a missile, it will be a poor kid that will being blown to pieces and will not even have a decent funeral. While this Stooge will be in his stupid conferences padding himself in the back.

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This is the reason I advocate for confiscation of all Anglo held lands. Nothing less than Chinese induction of the Australia and North American continent into the PRC will suffice. Such arrogant assumptions demand actual tangible territorial losses.
That might work only if China can make itself ICBM proof. After seeing the scientists make the world's first anti hgv defense despite the demilitarized posture of China, I feel such ideas are no longer completely unreachable. Just imagine if/when China decides to rearm the country and spends several years with budget increased to 5-10%.

Arij Javaid

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Despite US being a lying bully, they are probably right about Gautam Adani and various frauds he committed with the help of indian government.

It's fascinating that Jai hinds can't catch a victory when I'm literally siding with the devilish US on this.

That's how much they've lost their way


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This is a signal that the US will abandon the idea of defending Taiwan in a major way if a conflict erupts. Probably because they know the military balance is now so lopsided in China's favor in any such attempt to directly attack China in their own waters would be a fool's errand. There is no landbridge like there is to Ukraine and China has a massive home advantage.

Perhaps this is why the Philippines is being boosted so much lately. The US may try to draw in as many countries as possible on its side in any conflict, no matter how insignificant.


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This is a signal that the US will abandon defending Taiwan militarily in a serious way. Probably because they know the military balance is now so lopsided in China's favor in any such conflict that it would be a fool's errand. There is no landbridge like to Ukraine and China would easily be able to fend off the US navy in the waters surrounding the island.
I'm so confused why this article is making rounds now, it was already published like more than 3 months ago.

I mean Taiwan isn't the end all and be all of the Indo-Pacific, for both sides obviously. If the PRC only reunites with Taiwan and doesn't kick the Americans out of West Pacific, then I think most Chinese would agree it is a huge disappointment.

The Chinese historically doesn't look favourably towards timid dynasties.