Miscellaneous News


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Biden's chip subsidy drama continues. It looks like Intel once again won't be getting that sweet subsidy. If anyone at TSMC still thinks they'll be able to get anything from US government, I got a bridge in Antarctica to sell them.
They will buy it, that's how stupid TSMC management is, being a monopoly they should not lock themselves to a single customer which are the US company, surrendering their bargaining power. People may argue that TSMC had no choice on the matter as they were reliant on the Collective west, DUH!!!! the same can be said the other way around in fact the Collective West is in dire need of their technology and production.


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People are melting down everywhere because of Romania's first round election.

Lots of screaming for TikTok to be banned because they couldn't understand how the pro-Putin Independent candidate with 6% of the polling came first and got over two million votes with nearly no campaign presence outside of TikTok and WhatsApp. Nobody saw it coming.

Ruling party is currently in third place despite their polling and will probably not come back for the runoff election.

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Lieutenant General
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I was watching Fareed Zakaria's show this morning. He had Eric Schmidt on and he said a few years ago China was behind the US on AI. Now he says China has caught up. But typical he has to put a shine on US AI by going the Democracy vs Autocracy angle. The US only cares about being number one. Democracy is way down on that list when all you care about is dominating competitors. It's as fake as the US supporting genocide in Gaza while saying they're against genocide. Is that how their AI will reason things out. Maybe they think their AI will be as dumb as they want Americans to believe their angle. So can you really trust an AI that is that stupid in the first place? Their AI is going to fail from the start or turn against them.


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He was getting his honorary doctorate in engineering degree from HKUST.
That is 100% not the reason why he's in HK. Probably to communicate with China about more chip sanctions with regards to Trump's upcoming admin and possible ways to mitigate it.
Probably similar to why Tim Cook is in China for the 3rd time this year.

Learnt some new names here, turns out Greta Thunberg is also an antisemite.
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