Automation should be used to reduce working hours instead of just giving stuff to the people. Chinese workers work a lot compared to most countries, Chinese work 49 hours a week, which is also why births has fallen by so much in China, they just have no time to take care of kids. The other countries with high working hours like Mexico don't face this problem because their society is still more sexist compare with China and women usually stay home and take care of kids.Why not seize the robots directly and distribute the production to the populace? If capital will produce all goods without human input, why not nationalize the capital and distribute its fruits to citizens? As long as China is (nominally) socialist, this is always a potential option. The US, by ruling out socialism, de facto rules out this potential response to automation.
By the way, I think it's hilarious how China teaches Marxism in schools and sends graduates into a free-market system. Given the cruelty of the free market, China can build support for socialism from disgruntled workers in ways that, say the USSR, cannot.
Just to put into context how much Chinese work the Soviet Union only use to work 35 hours a week for non-agricultural industries