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Lmao, you think giving away the territories marked 1 and 2 on the map I posted previously is ok but South Tibet is not? South Tibet is already lost, even though China and a lot of us don't want to admit it. The territories China gave back won't be jointly patrolled, it will only be patrolled by the Indians, i.e., they got that land from China. Indian FM already said the situation will return to pre-2020.

It's nice to comfort ourselves and believe that China won some sort of concessions, but is just keeping it secret and India's FM is just lying. In fact the deal is so good for China, we have to censor discussions on Chinese social media and news sites. If we follow this logic, how are we any different than the Jai Hinds and Pinoys we often see on the internet who boast about nonexistent victories?
Here, I am inclined to rejoicing and thanking Confucius and all the Chinese ancestors that China is not run under Western Democracy because your posts and rightful frustrations that I feel but not abhor show why. Imagine to thing that in such environment other slimy and opportunistic politicians ala Trump would promise to reverse if not reach "Indians" a lesson they could never forget. That would have been a disaster for China and the world.

What outcome do you seek here that would have been acceptable in your opinion that would also lead and bring India to heel? I am quite interested to know.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I disagree on the material conditions part. India = late Qing right now. Being militarily humiliated is the way to create the material conditions for a great awakening.
Agreed. I've said here before that a key issue of India is that Indians do not perceive themselves as having suffered together as a unified India under the British. If a military humiliation is given to them now, they will finally have a concrete instance of suffering together as a unified India. Once that happens, it is hard to tell how things will go.


Registered Member
The issue is not the Indian people but the regime. I have never insulted the Indian people or Hinduism even once, you can check my record. I acknowledge the great contributions of Indians to science such as Chandresekar and Raman.

Hinduism is not the problem. India is not the problem. The fascist regime is the problem. The reprehensible behavior of some Indians is due to the regime.

China is not in the business of regime change, but we need to defend ourselves against the machinations of the regime. Indians must collectively want liberation. It must be very difficult to believe in science and truth in a society filled with lies. But it is darkest before dawn. We know because we've been there too.
I disagree. The congress party has been in power for most of Indias inception and creation as a modern Republic. Yet, for all the benefits and infrastructures it inherited from its former colonial master, the British, the Congress party failed on creating an Indian identity that inspired confidence and civilizational aspirations that can be found in China.

While I understand that India was never a unitary state or unified like China, Congress could have carved its own identity that's not a bastardized version of the U.K. The country even retained British appointed military chiefs and were only fully indigenized when Indians felt they were ready. Compared that to Mao's China the difference could not be more stark.

A lot of Indians bragging and yelling of supapowah illusions are borne out great insecurity combined with delusions that they are a civilizational state, and they too are worthy of status, reverence, and fear much like China.

Congress which embodies the Ghandis, Nehru essentially equates to the partitioning of their country, weakling peaceniks. Nehru the humiliation and embarrassment of getting his troops curbstomped in the Sino-India 1962 border war. Indira Ghandi may have salvage Indian pride and prestige during their victories against Pakistan in 1971 and the subsequent splitting of Bangladesh away from Pakistan. The lustre of victory quickly faded and turned violent as she was assassinated by her one her own body guards. The same fate followed the path of her son, Rajiv Ghandi himself assassinated as a result of his misguided attempt to play and meddle into the Sri Lankan civil war, where the troops sent created more issues resulting in greater anger and animus.

Indias entry into the exclusive nuclear club happened under the BJP's watch, the pride and confidence that a lot of Indians feel come from Modi (also from the BJP party) whether we like it or not.

I much rather have a confident and yes annoying India, than a weakling India searching for its identity called west-lite.


Registered Member
What outcome do you seek here that would have been acceptable in your opinion that would also lead and bring India to heel? I am quite interested to know.
For starters how about actually ceasing hostility towards China in every facet of the bilateral relationship instead of demanding China to give up land. Even now, I haven't found any piece of India media which doesn't paint China in a negative light.

If you read article on indian media, even they don't believe that China will immediately withdraw from Depchang and depchok, as military infrastructure already in place and will take years for the border to looked before April 2020

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Case in point: China gave up land, but we should still be cautious about China's motives.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
See, this is why China sucks at 'soft power'. Always hide when criticism surface, even if justified. If they have nothing to hide, why censor happy? It raise people's suspicion for no good reason. And you dont want suspicious citizen, they will make up even more bullshits to fill the blanks, just this time without government knowing. Eventually distrust rise high enough to raise traitors.
I mean isn't that just how Weibo is? It always censors politcally sensitive topics and sometimes arbitrarily, so much so my friend doesn't even post on there anymore since even when he tiptoes as best he can, his posts get deleted.

But anyhow how is this whole ordeal a soft power failure for China? Outside of the extreme Hindutva circles, most people seem pretty relieved the dispute is somewhat set aside for now, since both nations have bigger fish to fry at the BRICS summit to advance the global payment system and boost multilateralism. Which this engagement does mind you, showing both sides can settle disputes through diplomacy and instead of doubling down with more soldiers, thus wasting a valuable oppurtunity to engage with an India that's currently being ostracized by the West. Plus seems to me people disappointed that China didn't do the latter should be more focused on a supposed failure to exercise hard power, rather than soft power.
China should just tolerate a growing fascist neighbouring country that has a repeated history of invading China.
Are we still talking about India here?
Some of us here can't have our cake and eat it too when it comes to viewing India as either too weak or too strong/backstabber that'll somehow manage to weaken China.
Exactly, much like how its become a meme that the West sees China as simultenously collapsing and also its greatest geopolitical rival, members here see India as a meme country still relying on dirtroads and lacking proper sanitation, but also such a big threat to China that one day so called "appeasers" will make it so that Chinese will wake up to see images of Indian commandos planting their flag on Potola Palace.

Pick a narrative and stick with it, and more importantly pick your battles. Speculating over what would happen in South Asia in the event of WW3 is just hyperbole and conjecture, and something the CPC for now seems to think should take a back seat to more concerning matters. A judgment which seems sound, unless the point people are making here is that the stereotype of the CPC for being long term planners is highly overrated and rather they should be moving more howitzers on the Himalayas immediately.


Registered Member
For starters how about actually ceasing hostility towards China in every facet of the bilateral relationship instead of demanding China to give up land. Even now, I haven't found any piece of India media which doesn't paint China in a negative light.

Case in point: China gave up land, but we should still be cautious about China's motives.
India is a freaking Democracy what the f..k do you expect their media to say and do? Be objective? Lol never going to happen as such objectivity isn't even found in all of the western countries most of us are currently staying. Have you not been paying attention to your surroundings at all? Man, look those numb numbs in the Philippines, a country that's beyond weakling yet are acting tough and mighty and keep talking about defending their lands from the Chinese. What a joke. But that's what democracy produce: a know-nothing gasbags.


Registered Member
India is a freaking Democracy what the f..k do you expect their media to say and do? Be objective? Lol never going to happen as such objectivity isn't even found in all of the western countries most of us are currently staying. Have you not been paying attention to your surroundings at all? Man, look those numb numbs in the Philippines, a country that's beyond weakling yet are acting tough and mighty and keep talking about defending their lands from the Chinese. What a joke. But that's what democracy produce: a know-nothing gasbags.
Uh that's not true at all. Before Xi and Biden meetings you will always find the anti-china rhetoric gets turned down in the western media, and you will find neutral to even positives stories about China. The US media toe a fine line, the India media is not comparable.

Are we still talking about India here?
British India invaded China repeated over 100 years ago, they invaded China longer than the Japs did. India is clearly the successor to British India, especially with regards to the China-India border dispute, otherwise there wouldn't be a 1962 war and we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
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