Miscellaneous News


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Translation: drop those Chinese EV tariffs MF, or else.
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EU chief says China must 'adapt its behaviour' to solve trade row​

Vientiane (AFP) – China must "adapt its behaviour" to solve an escalating tariff row with Europe, EU chief Charles Michel told AFP Friday, warning of the dangers of the dispute escalating into a full-blown trade war.

The European Council president met Chinese Premier Li Qiang on the margins of a Southeast Asian summit in Laos as Beijing and the European Union impose tit-for-tat penalties on each other's imports in a row about subsidies and protectionism.

Michel said in an interview with AFP that after his "frank and candid" talks with Li, he hoped a deal could be struck in the coming days or weeks -- but he warned that getting there would be tough.
"I have the impression that the door is not closed, but it's a very difficult situation, it's very challenging," he said.

"We count on China to adapt its behaviour and to understand that we have to rebalance the economic relationships for more fairness, for fair competition, for a more level playing field."
A furious Beijing has responded with new tariffs on EU-made brandy, alarming French producers, while Brussels is also investigating Chinese subsidies for solar panels and wind turbines.

China is also tangled in a bitter, wide-ranging trade dispute with the United States, with Washington announcing sharp tariff hikes targeting $18 billion of Chinese goods including electric vehicles, EV batteries and solar cells.
Beijing reacted angrily to Michel's remarks Friday, condemning what it called the EU's "lose-lose" approach to the dispute.

"The EU should clearly recognise that imposing additional tariffs will not solve any problems," foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said, urging the bloc to "take concrete actions and work together with China to seek solutions through discussions".

I think Michel didn't get Premier Li's message :p

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MOFCOM Spokesperson's Remarks on the Consultations over the European Union’s Anti-Subsidy Investigation into Battery Electric Vehicles from China
Q: We learned that the Chinese and EU teams held over 20 days of consultations on the EU’s anti-subsidy investigation into battery electric vehicles from China. The Chinese team returned home today. How’s the progress of the consultations? It is reported that the European Commission is conducting separate price undertaking negotiations with individual companies. What’s the comment of China?
A: On September 19, Minister Wang Wentao and European Commission Executive Vice-President and Trade Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis held talks and agreed to advance the price undertaking negotiations, with the commitment to finding a solution acceptable to both sides through friendly dialogue and consultation.
Over the past more than 20 days starting from September 20, the Chinese and EU technical teams held 8 rounds of intense consultation. With their arduous effort, the two sides made significant progress in some areas. Taking into full consideration the needs and comments of Chinese and EU industries, the Chinese team demonstrated maximum sincerity and flexibility by offering many practical, constructive solutions to the EU’s specific concerns. Yet regrettably, the EU has failed to positively respond to matters relating to the core concerns of Chinese and EU industries. With major differences between the two sides, the consultations have been unable to produce a mutually acceptable solution.
It needs to be emphasized that China stays committed and sincere towards finding solutions through dialogue and consultation. China has invited an EU technical team to visit China as early as possible to enter the next stage of in-person consultation. For this China has made all preparations possible. It is hoped that the EU can work with China towards the same objective, visit China at an early date and expedite consultations with a constructive attitude, in a bid to reach a proper solution as soon as possible.
Regarding your second question, we have noted relevant reports. I need to stress that China has always been engaging in dialogue and consultation with the EU with the utmost sincerity and good faith. We believe the price undertaking solution, which various types of businesses in China, including European companies in China, have authorized the CCCME to propose, represents the position of the whole industry and should be the foundation of the ongoing China-EU consultations. If the EU engages with any individual company in separate price undertaking negotiations while the China-EU consultations are underway, it will undermine the foundation and mutual trust for negotiation, thus disrupting the bilateral consultations and holding back the overall progress. China hopes the EU will demonstrate sufficient sincerity, take the industry’s core concerns seriously and reach a solution acceptable to all parties based on the ongoing consultations.
Somebody is about to find out what the or else part means.
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Registered Member

That Chinese guy who run to US got his own room in a homeless shelter, and got permanent free food and also got in a free school in LA. In one of his other videos he was told he could stay as long as he wants. This illegal immigrant/homeless shelter program seems actually out of control.


Registered Member
I think in the ORF link does say 4.5-6 per year for SSN and SSBN
View attachment 137193

That is capacity, not an production forecast.

Plus I don't think it would make sense to make more than 1 SSBN per year.

How many more SSBNs could there be?

I see a maximum of 8. And with a maximum of a 12 month module assembly time, that's an 8 year production run, which I think is a bit short for an efficient production run.


As noted earlier, the ORF estimate of capacity is way off. A 9-12 month module assembly time would increase the capacity estimate by 3-4x.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Only Chinese people eat wild animals like savages that's why Covid happened
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As a rule and as an ardent fisherman and hunter one should NEVER eat wild meat rare or semi-rare as most wild creatures have various parasites(this is natural) and black bear are especially infected with trichinosis and many freshwater fish have flukes,tapeworms and roundworms and even saltwater fish though safer is a risk-that's why I never eat sashimi and only california rolls etc.Once cooked thoroghly -no problem-all good protein.If I were in Florida now and coooking to survive the next 2 weeks without power a large stock pot along with a wok-great energy saver-cooks food thoroughly/deliciously - will fulfill all my cooking food needs/water boiling.All wild boar,alligators will be dealt with deliciously.
