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Anyway, I'd like to apologize for coming off agressive and if I have offended anyone. It just disheartening to see the situation how no one seems to care enough to do anything about it when you have hopes that the transition out of US hegemony could improve things.

I think we all have had enough of the callous attitude of the anglos and we shouldn't be replicating it.


Registered Member
I personally think if Iran doesn't react after the BRICS meeting, so in the months of November/December/January it save to say Iran is not capable to lead the region, maybe Russia should take the reign in the region take over the Iranian proxies and supply better weapons/platforms said proxies. China is just to far away and logistically harder to move in that region i think.

Its also save to say that Russia and China should start thinking about exporting capable air defence platforms/manpads to Iran..


Registered Member
Why would you even eliminate Iran’s leadership? China should be embarrassed to be associated with them at this stage. To think Xi spent so much effort getting them to play nice with Saudi Arabia - I remember the exhilaration on this forum - and then almost immediately we are reminded of why the Saudi prince would rather be a guest at the US table than the homeless guy threatening for scraps outside the door.
China should be more embarrassed with its long association with Pakistan that is keep afloat by Arabs and through Arab support by US.
Iran do alot of things competently like its Education and infrastructure (they increased Oil/Gas) and i dont think country is bankrupt.
This North-South is what is expected.

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If Iran doesn't react after the BRICS meeting, it safe to say Iran is not capable to lead the region
They never were. Iran is desperate to be in the good graces of the West. And their top leadership is thoroughly compromised. How else do you think the Israelis managed to kill one of the top Hamas people under the noses of the Iranian leadership in Tehran? I also suspect that the death of Raisi was the work of the Israelis, but we will not know for a long time. Eventually, as enough time has passed, I suspect the Israelis will fess up to it.

As for Russia, they allowed Israel to bomb Syria with relative impunity through all this time. A lot of folks think the anti-Western bloc is more coherent and unified than it actually is. Likely just wishful thinking.


Registered Member
As for Russia, they allowed Israel to bomb Syria with relative impunity through all this time. A lot of folks think the anti-Western bloc is more coherent and unified than it actually is. Likely just wishful thinking.

They still forced Israel to notify where and when they were striking. Deal lasted until Israel decided to support Ukraine in the war, though, and now we have a tightening of the cooperation between Russia and Iran, to the dismay of Israeli interests.

But I do agree there is a good chance a part of the Iranian leadership is compromised or cowards.


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The way I've seem some pro-China people talk about the Arab world isn't all that different from Anglos in the bigotry and vitriol, maybe I am expecting too much and turns out the multipolar world order lead by China will be just more of the same since the Anglos will still be left to do what they please with the rest of us.

This is a typical "BRICS supporter" take. There is this weird expectation people have of China that they somehow have to upend the entire world order. I never seen Chinese leaders say that.

Hell, if it weren't for Trump's trade war, I suspect most Chinese people would have been fine with the status quo.

Folks in the Third World should stop looking for external saviours. It is not China's nor the West's responsibility to bail out countries which cannot manage their affairs properly. The reality is that the "global south" doesn't have much to contend with if you remove China from the equation. No real innovation or any high-tech to speak of.

The rule of geopolitics is simple: if you are strong, you get a seat at the table. If you are weak, you are on the menu. China learned that lesson the hard way. Why can't the rest of the "global south"?


Junior Member
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I do agree there is a good chance a part of the Iranian leadership is compromised or cowards.
Iran should have thrown in their lot with China completely. But they suffer from the same problem that many other 3rd world countries: their elites are desperate for Western approval. Same issue in Pakistan etc.

This creates a weird incentive structure where elites will often take dumb decisions for their own personal interest. I wonder how many Iranian elites have stolen cash invested in Western real estate? How many have children enrolled in universities in the West? All of this compromises your ability to take the correct decisions. And that's even excluding the possibility that many are just sellouts who got bought by Mossad/CIA long ago.

China's dilemma is that much of the so-called "global south" are very weak countries like Iran with deeply compromised elites.


Registered Member
Iran should have thrown in their lot with China completely. But they suffer from the same problem that many other 3rd world countries: their elites are desperate for Western approval. Same issue in Pakistan etc.

This creates a weird incentive structure where elites will often take dumb decisions for their own personal interest. I wonder how many Iranian elites have stolen cash invested in Western real estate? How many have children enrolled in universities in the West? All of this compromises your ability to take the correct decisions. And that's even excluding the possibility that many are just sellouts who got bought by Mossad/CIA long ago.

China's dilemma is that much of the so-called "global south" are very weak countries like Iran with deeply compromised elites.
Yeah this is a scourge in the global south, they rather push majority of their population to subsistence living if it means they can shop in Paris, London and New York. The elite capture is real.

Moscow and Shanghai just doesn't have that allure yet for the global elites.


Registered Member
Russia hasn’t defeated Ukraine either, 3.5 years after the fact. But at least Russia is proving itself to be adaptively competent after the initial incompetence. Though perhaps I’m giving it too much credit for winning vs. a proxy; it’s not like Germany or France has mobilized.

No one expects Russia to beat the US. Or Iran. But I at least expected Iran to be a great power in the Middle East. Not a country that can’t protect its leadership or those of its allies.
There is no time limit on this Ukraine conflict. It is based on how things are published on so many Arabic channel. Russia airpower and ground forces are way powerful than US. Russia air force is only airpower in world that can do hundreds of sorties per day near the ground level from make shift bases. big fixed base is a target. and i have doubt even ships can be protected.
You can read the new world order document that i posted link. everything is mentioned but Ukraine.



Registered Member
Folks in the Third World should stop looking for external saviours. It is not China's nor the West's responsibility to bail out countries which cannot manage their affairs properly. The reality is that the "global south" doesn't have much to contend with if you remove China from the equation. No real innovation or any high-tech to speak of.

This position completely ignores the history of the Third World and how it is the west responsibility the state it is in. This is basically going "poor people are poor because they want to" and completely ignore the multitude of factors that go into poor people being and staying poor.

How do we expect the Third World to achieve any of that if whenever they try to gain control of their resources and move forward, they get couped, invaded or rigged and subservient elites put into place every single time since the dawn of the colonial era?.

How exactly are they supposed to succesfully break away from this cycle without the help of other, bigger countries?. Specially smaller countries that don't have the history, resource and cultural depth that its afforded by China size and long history, before you try to bring it up as an example, and even China didn't do it alone, either.

Would have China be able to break away from this cycle without the help of USSR?. Should have Stalin told Mao "is not our responsibility to bail out countries"?

Its hypocritical and delusional to demand such from the Third World, while also expecting to prioritize deaings with China and not expect them to get subverted by Western interests if you don't provide the mechanism nor the efforts for that not to happen.