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Yes I think we have been taught a lesson in the last few years regarding the persistence of US hegemony and how premature it is to celebrate its ending. As I have emphasized repeatedly, the US is still supreme across many domains and you shouldn’t just believe in alarmist media in charting its down fall. Just because the US is publishing less papers in Nature in 2023 doesn’t mean its decades of scientific and technological advantages are gone.

A rising tide lifts all boats and makes puddles look like lakes. It’s when the tide goes out that we see who is swimming naked. In Europe as in the Middle East, war is the test of true national strength.


Registered Member
China should be embarrassed to be associated with them at this stage. To think Xi spent so much effort getting them to play nice with Saudi Arabia

Embarrassed about what? Doing standard diplomacy? The kind of gold standard that has existed throughout humanity for thousands of years. Unlike the West who has completely loss touch in reality compared to their Cold War counter parts.


Junior Member
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Yes I think we have been taught a lesson in the last few years regarding the persistence of US hegemony
You cannot have hegemony without being the uncontested major power leader, something US has failed ever since not even defeating China in the 1950s.
and how premature it is to celebrate its ending. As I have emphasized repeatedly, the US is still supreme across many domains and you shouldn’t just believe in alarmist media in charting its down fall.
They are a contender for hegemony and as such are credible contestants in many domains, and will remain so for quite some time.

But no country that only possesses the 2nd largest economy and productivity, and is trailing others in many fields, can call itself supreme. You cannot end something that has never started, and US is not on a positive trajectory to ever start a hegemony, especially not today.


Junior Member
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Embarrassed about what? Doing standard diplomacy? The kind of gold standard that has existed throughout humanity for thousands of years. Unlike the West who has completely loss touch in reality compared to their Cold War counter parts.
Embarrassed about being associated with Iran as a sponsor or ally. You are judged by the company you keep, after all. If your side keeps embarrassing itself it reflects on your impotence as well.


Registered Member
Embarrassed about being associated with Iran as a sponsor or ally. You are judged by the company you keep, after all. If your side keeps embarrassing itself it reflects on your impotence as well.
China doesn't sponsor Iran and is nowhere near an ally of Iran.

Why isn't the US embarrassed about core treaty ally and ex colony Philippines getting rammed daily in SCS and being poorer than some African countries despite a century of aid and literally copying the US government?


Junior Member
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China doesn't sponsor Iran and is nowhere near an ally of Iran.

Why isn't the US embarrassed about core treaty ally and ex colony Philippines getting rammed daily in SCS and being poorer than some African countries despite a century of aid and literally copying the US government?
It should be. But the Philippines is agitating against China, the US’s closest competitor. Iran meanwhile can’t even keep its regional rivals at bay. Also, if the Philippines was thoroughly compromised by Chinese intelligence and its US supported leadership is having to hide in bunkers, that’d be one thing. But last I checked the Philippines still publicly makes trouble for China and China has no real influence in its politics.
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Registered Member
Embarrassed about being associated with Iran as a sponsor or ally. You are judged by the company you keep, after all. If your side keeps embarrassing itself it reflects on your impotence as well.

How is it a sponsor? Where does China send them billions in money and weapons? Also what ally? China and Iran has friendly relations. There is no agreement or obligatory by treaty for China to do anything for Iran in any event. If you want to talk about being embarrassed. Then you should be talking about the Europeans and the Americans. Hundreds of billions in cash and weapons for Ukraine and they are getting completely obliterated by the Russian Gas Station. The entirely of NATO and Europe can’t beat Russia. Now the media is hardly hiding Ukraine failures anymore.

Arij Javaid

Junior Member
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It should be. But the Philippines is agitating against China, the US’s closest competitor. Iran meanwhile can’t even keep its regional rivals at bay. Also, if the Philippines was thoroughly compromised by Chinese intelligence and its US supported leadership is having to hide in bunkers, that’d be one thing. But last I checked the Philippines still publicly makes trouble for China and China has no real influence in its politics.
Listen, Geopolitics isn't based on who gets embarrassed or who gets not.

China is allied with Iran because Iran acts as a counterbalance against US influence in the region. That's all. If Iran ends up in a war with US, Russia would immediately step in to aid Iran but china would be reserved unless China sees an opportunity where Iran is winning and China doubles down to deal a huge blow to the US which would make china's own testing grounds for a future Taiwan operation much easier

In short, China needs Iran just as much as Iran needs China. It's simple geopolitics. The distrust of the west makes them allies.

Arij Javaid

Junior Member
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I see China has decided to pursue the white liberal way of meek "strongly worded letters". The "do nothing, win" can only get you so far in some scenarios, not all of them.

That guy is a racist zionists, of course he won't see any racism in Uncle Roger's videos

Well, you can keep begging the US to respect your red lines and to cooperate while they keep slapping tariff on chinese products and Pelosi keeps queefing around Taipei.
Look, the majority of the Chinese stand with Palestine. However, from china's strategic perspective, Israel-Gaza war is simply not relevant to Chinese interests. So the best china can do for Palestine cause is to support their membership in UN and support a Palestinian state.

From Chinese perspective, Russia-Ukraine war has greater stakes as Russia falling to the collective west would be disasterous as Russia also shares a border with China. That's not the case in middle east where china doesn't have any immediate interest.

The only way china will ever get involved in the middle east is when China tries to unify Taiwan by force and funds US enemies or when Iran is invaded by US.

But that being said. China is vary of Israel and knows that it is too deep in US camp to lure it away from them. China would focus on luring gulf states away from the US. That's their main goal.


Registered Member
Embarrassed about being associated with Iran as a sponsor or ally. You are judged by the company you keep, after all. If your side keeps embarrassing itself it reflects on your impotence as well.
You're usually pretty rationale and less emotional with your commentaries and posts, but it seems to me that the carnage we're all seeing unfold in the Middle-east have made your posts emotionally driven rather than cold hard geopolitical analysis of the situation.

Don't get me wrong, I will be the first to admit that I too suffer from such outbursts from time to time whenever I see or feel true injustice being committed against anyone or any country.