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Registered Member
In short, China needs Iran just as much as Iran needs China. It's simple geopolitics. The distrust of the west makes them allies.

More accurate to say they have common interests. It is hardly in any sort of level in being an ally. The CIA funded the al-qaela against the Russians. Were they allies? Not even remotely. The argument can be made with China and Russia but the relation with Iran is not remotely close enough for that sort of thing. This is like saying the Mexicans and Brazilians are allies by default of having friendly relations.


Registered Member
It should be. But the Philippines is agitating against China, the US’s closest competitor. Iran meanwhile can’t even keep its regional rivals at bay. Also, if the Philippines was thoroughly compromised by Chinese intelligence and its US supported leadership is having to hide in bunkers, that’d be one thing. But last I checked the Philippines still publicly makes trouble for China and China has no real influence in its politics.
But Iran isn't a Chinese speaking socialist state with a mutual defense treaty with China.

Philippines IS an English speaking capitalist 'democracy' with a bicameral legislature and departments instead of ministries, copied from the US, and has a MDT with the US.

Iranian behavior doesn't reflect on China the way Filipino behavior does on the US.


Junior Member
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How is it a sponsor? Where does China send them billions in money and weapons? Also what ally? China and Iran has friendly relations. There is no agreement or obligatory by treaty for China to do anything for Iran in any event. If you want to talk about being embarrassed. Then you should be talking about the Europeans and the Americans. Hundreds of billions in cash and weapons for Ukraine and they are getting completely obliterated by the Russian Gas Station. The entirely of NATO and Europe can’t beat Russia. Now the media is hardly hiding Ukraine failures anymore.
Russia hasn’t defeated Ukraine either, 3.5 years after the fact. But at least Russia is proving itself to be adaptively competent after the initial incompetence. Though perhaps I’m giving it too much credit for winning vs. a proxy; it’s not like Germany or France has mobilized.

No one expects Russia to beat the US. Or Iran. But I at least expected Iran to be a great power in the Middle East. Not a country that can’t protect its leadership or those of its allies.

Arij Javaid

Junior Member
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More accurate to say they have common interests. It is hardly in any sort of level in being an ally. The CIA funded the al-qaela against the Russians. Were they allies? Not even remotely. The argument can be made with China and Russia but the relation with Iran is not remotely close enough for that sort of thing. This is like saying the Mexicans and Brazilians are allies by default of having friendly relations.
I think ever since the 2022 insane provocation spree by the US against China. The relationship is looking more like an alliance to me.


Registered Member
It should be. But the Philippines is agitating against China, the US’s closest competitor. Iran meanwhile can’t even keep its regional rivals at bay. Also, if the Philippines was thoroughly compromised by Chinese intelligence and its US supported leadership is having to hide in bunkers, that’d be one thing. But last I checked the Philippines still publicly makes trouble for China and China has no real influence in its politics.
And here you are making a laughable mistake of conflating PH ( a treaty ally and a semi-colonized state who's surrounded by friendly countries and one of the founding members of the U.S. led initiative a.k.a. ASEAN) to Iran who's geopolitical situation is far more complex, dangerous, and is against not just her Arab neighbors but against the most competent military force in the region, the land of Abrahamic god.

Also, the U.S. relationship between these countries have been made decades ago when it was already the undisputed power in the western world, ditto with the PHILIPPINES. China on the other hand has only risen very recently and was busy improving its own strategic core (which is one of the primary reasons why it AVOIDED using the military to achieve its political aims because China's economy was just improving) and is just now starting to expand not just due to the geopolitical situation or necessity, but of foresight.

If China was to act the way most people love to see, which is to use its military before it's national comprehensive power is fully ready, then people like yourself and others would actually set the world back fully and firmly into the western camp because China maybe able to win a battle with the U.S. forces, it's economic viability will forever be diminished before it could dominate the west to the point of no return all for some folks to feel some sense of justice and retribution against what we all agree as inhumane entity.

Arij Javaid

Junior Member
Registered Member
Not China’s problem.
Pretty much. Majority of Chinese stand with Palestine but china doesn't have any game to play in the conflict.

All china can do is to use the conflict to show the myth of western morality and western attitude towards international law

Look at Indonesia and China. Before October 7. US was viewed more favourably than china in both countries. After October 7, China is seen more favourably now.


Junior Member
Registered Member
And here you are making a laughable mistake of conflating PH ( a treaty ally and a semi-colonized state who's surrounded by friendly countries and one of the founding members of the U.S. led initiative a.k.a. ASEAN) to Iran who's geopolitical situation is far more complex, dangerous, and is against not just her Arab neighbors but against the most competent military force in the region, the land of Abrahamic god.

Also, the U.S. relationship between these countries have been made decades ago when it was already the undisputed power in the western world, ditto with the PHILIPPINES. China on the other hand has only risen very recently and was busy improving its own strategic core (which is one of the primary reasons why it AVOIDED using the military to achieve its political aims because China's economy was just improving) and is just now starting to expand not just due to the geopolitical situation or necessity, but of foresight.

If China was to act the way most people love to see, which is to use its military before it's national comprehensive power is fully ready, then people like yourself and others would actually set the world back fully and firmly into the western camp because China maybe able to win a battle with the U.S. forces, it's economic viability will forever be diminished before it could dominate the west to the point of no return all for some folks to feel some sense of justice and retribution against what we all agree as inhumane entity.
For the record, I’m not encouraging China to intervene in the Middle East, but to be more clear eyed about the capabilities of its “partners.” In my view the Iran-Saudi Arabian rapprochement was actively orchestrated by China, in which case Iran’s incompetence calls into question the value of that effort. If Iran’s leadership really are “controlled opposition” then why does it matter if they’re aligned with the Saudis or not? It just reflects poorly on China that it has chosen to cultivate this relationship at the expense of violating US sanctions. Money & political currency could have been spent else where.