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If I put it in a Chinese context, spending North Korean lives to damage the US/Japan is also a good trade for China as long as north Korea survives. Kim could even die and it would be fine, as long as after the war North Korea is still there. Same for Iran and Hezbollah. Even if nasrallah is dead, we'll have to see what the end result is. Israel can only really win if Hezbollah doesn't exist as a serious force anymore after the war, which is rather unlikely unless they do a genocide

How hard is it really to do these assassinations in other countries? The Ukrainians did a few in Russia. Terrorist groups routinely do so. Israel just uses a lot of terrorist tactics when the US would use drone strikes and Russia would use poison. Is UK or German security bad because the Russians did assassinations there? When you can promise life in the rich world as a reward, you'll tempt poor people. I don't think Iran's security is particularly bad for its level of development, it's just that at this level of development this is the best you can expect. Israeli terrorists used to routinely kill Iranian nuclear scientists in the past. And yet, despite the losses Iran is now a nuclear threshold country and there have been far fewer assassinations than in the past.
Iran today has seemingly become immune to direct Israeli attacks, although Israel can still rope in US to help them attack Iran directly.

They're now a very different country than when they were isolationist. There is a weapons tech and industry pipeline going from China and even NK that is essentially fully secure. They're also importing more arms.
Russia can do the ultimate F you move and supply iran with nukes. I don't know why Russia hasn't considered that.
A nuclear Iran is not a good idea. China is banking on Iran as a bait for US, which requires US to directly try and invade. And US won't do that to a nuclear power. Secondly, if China acting through Russia normalizes the practice of giving nukes to countries to prevent US invasion, US can also motivate giving nukes to countries where China may want a future military solution, especially SK and Japan.

In the cold war, China's side is stronger militarily compared to US' side, so if the cold war is changed so that military forces cannot be used as easily (because of widespread nuke proliferation), China will experience more difficulty than US because of the changes.


If I put it in a Chinese context, spending North Korean lives to damage the US/Japan is also a good trade for China as long as north Korea survives. Kim could even die and it would be fine, as long as after the war North Korea is still there. Same for Iran and Hezbollah. Even if nasrallah is dead, we'll have to see what the end result is. Israel can only really win if Hezbollah doesn't exist as a serious force anymore after the war, which is rather unlikely unless they do a genocide
No, just keep it in the middle-eastern context that we are doing so well with because a quarter million Chinese people died defending North Korea. It's a bad joke to say that they are our proxies and they are expendable to us when we actually died for them.
How hard is it really to do these assassinations in other countries? The Ukrainians did a few in Russia. Terrorist groups routinely do so. Israel just uses a lot of terrorist tactics when the US would use drone strikes and Russia would use poison. Is UK or German security bad because the Russians did assassinations there? When you can promise life in the rich world as a reward, you'll tempt poor people. I don't think Iran's security is particularly bad for its level of development, it's just that at this level of development this is the best you can expect. Israeli terrorists used to routinely kill Iranian nuclear scientists in the past. And yet, despite the losses Iran is now a nuclear threshold country and there have been far fewer assassinations than in the past.
How hard? A lot harder than cope. A assassinated 12 government officials and 30 proxy team leaders of B. B assassinated no one from A. Conclusion: B's security is pretty good, not bad at all. It's just that A likes to use terrorists tactics. B could use them too but you know, they don't like that. Clap clap, good shit.
Iran today has seemingly become immune to direct Israeli attacks, although Israel can still rope in US to help them attack Iran directly.
Absolutely immune. Iran's assets are getting whacked everywhere in the middle east by Israel, including in Iran itself but sure, just because Israel hasn't gotten around to smoking Iran directly yet, let's say they're immune. Hey, I'm immune to getting arrested by the police, did you know that? That's evidenced in the fact that they haven't arrested me yet.


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Pro-Iranian media and Chinese state media have already reported Nasrallah's death. Looks likely he was killed by the Israelis. For the record, in the past few months Israel has already killed the #2 in Iran, #2 in Hamas and #1 in Hezbollah.

Still nothing from Iran, the laughing stock of the Middle East.
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Registered Member
Russia can do the ultimate F you move and supply iran with nukes. I don't know why Russia hasn't considered that.
yeah whatever. China definitely doesn't want a nuclear Iran.

China also definitely doesn't want and has in fact (in good way) warned Russia against using nuclear weapons on Ukraine. It's not a blanket statement though, the West also has to calibrate the degree of assistance that it provides to Ukraine.

In general, nuclear topic is extremely complex and should be best left undiscussed due to its inherent complexity

Arij Javaid

Junior Member
Registered Member
yeah whatever. China definitely doesn't want a nuclear Iran.

China also definitely doesn't want and has in fact (in good way) warned Russia against using nuclear weapons on Ukraine. It's not a blanket statement though, the West also has to calibrate the degree of assistance that it provides to Ukraine.

In general, nuclear topic is extremely complex and should be best left undiscussed due to its inherent complexity
A nuclear Iran would put an end to the thought of US ever starting a war with Iran.

Arij Javaid

Junior Member
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But China and Russia both want US to start a war with Iran :p
Israel wants the US to start a war with Iran. If Iran gets defeated, US gets control of strait of Hormuz thus giving them greater control over world trade which isn't good for china

I think China will only arm Iran if in a war US arms Taiwan. We don't know when that would happen.

Russia has more urgent need to arm US enemies as it is in a direct conflict