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As a corollary, look at the latest U.S. billion dollar funding for anti China propaganda. They’ve got money for propaganda but not money to build factories in the U.S. precisely because the USG and its NGOs now function as a make work jobs program for the scions of the political elite.

what I don’t quite understand about westerners is why they feel so threatened by China yet are so Happy to be cuckolded by Africans who are far less developed? Getting Blacked is apparently an in demand porn category in the west and yet the average white westerner will launch nuclear war just to prevent China from surpassing the U.S. and by extension the western world.

spicy meat ball

Someone tell Kim that Jai Hinds have been doing it for free since the creation of Twitter.


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I’m trying to reduce the amount of clutters in the forum.
Talking about cluttering, Some of you maybe old enough to remember Gatekeeper. IIRC, he was banned for life, accused of cluttering SDF with his passionate posts. I think he was a qualified economist from Great Britain and his posts were very knowledgeable and entertaining.
But now, we have so many so-called experts in economics who spill out so much rubbish without any consequences.
How time has changed.


Registered Member
It is no joke, psychologically a person sitting at the edge is nervous and frightened of the evironment he is in. He would not be aware of any awkward things he is doing. He would not have adjusted the chair for his comfort because the anxiety is overwhelming. It is similar to panic.
Ajit Doval is basically responsible for India's pro-US and anti-China stance for the past decade, he does have a reason to be nervous.


Registered Member
I may be wrong, but this is probably a deliberate set-up by the Russians placing his chair farther away, to force him into a more uncomfortable position.
If this is true, it is a commentary on the differences between the relationship between Russia and China and the relationship between Russia and India.
That is over intepretation. The Indian guy is just nervous or lack of manner. The chair isn't bolted to the floor, there is no way to hinder pulling it closer. Besides, the chair has arm supports, it has to be put further away to the table than chairs without arm support before seating. After seated it is either the guest himself pulling it forward, or some valet do it.

Even if it is difficult to move it, a proper action is just sit where it is, not trying to put arms on the table. Leaning forward shows attention, eagerness or aggression, not being relaxed.

If you look carefully, Shoigu's chair has no arm supports, that is one rank lower than Putin's and the guest's chairs. Russians have attended to the very detail of diplomatic protocal in good intention.

Those chairs are probably heavy, likely he couldnt move them himself
Nah, those antique chairs are made of oak frames, the heaviest wood used in furniture in the past centries, with the seating cushion and back cushion suspended by some fabrics or ropes. They are heavier than today's Ikea chairs but not much, even if dragged over carpet.
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Registered Member
Ajit Doval is basically responsible for India's pro-US and anti-China stance for the past decade, he does have a reason to be nervous.
Witness then, the cowardice of the Indian ruling class. Quick to backstab you and do business with your enemies (Quad, Israel etc) but when confronted as Putin is doing right now, the Indian cowardly tried to duck and cover. You see this behaviour amongst Indians in corporate as well. Cowardly evading responsibility and throwing you under the bus if it will benefit them.

psychologically, short people also have a chip on their shoulders and an inferiority complex. This would have doubled up on the Indian psyche.


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Yeah, but Chinese standards are not at the technological frontier.
Everyone ends up touting the same set of Chinese corporates - BYD, CRRC, Huawei, occasionally SMIC - as evidence of China being on the technological frontier (with most every other Chinese corporate struggling with a bevy of nonfunctional requirements - yield, reliability, scale, price, etc) but if anything, it just indicates how very thin China’s technological capabilities are - in that everyone ends up referencing precious few sectors - 5G, EVs, green energy, and maybe a few others as to where China is leading compared to the tens of thousands of product lines and hundreds of high-tech sectors existent


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An article from an Indian journalist.

They did their own thinking. The Chinese probably would agree.
The Indians are unhappy that their beloved West is crumbling as they wanted to be the loyal,servile,obsequious house slave of the whites lording it over the other lower castes as in Hinduland for millenia ,money,labour sexual favours etc over the lower castes as the white sahibs &memsahibs get their lion's share the indoidiots will devour the rest -especially over China(good fucking luck indolosers!!)BTW China won the Paralympics 220 medals-94 Golds-didn't hear too much on MSM-at all- had to search-wonder why?hahaha.Trillion dollar interest on US nat'l debt-westoids NEED a war desperately to "clear the books" otherwise as China grows innovate and gets fusion power,a moonbase (hope I live to see it) the " Visa-Mastercard bill" will destroy them of themselves.Self goal in the worst way.