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India's Supreme Court dismisses plea to stop military exports to Israel​

India has reportedly sent combat drones and ordnance to Israel in aid of its war effort in Gaza
India's top court has dismissed a petition seeking to suspend military exports from India following a plea from human rights activists and scholars to minimise India's complicity in potential Israeli war crimes in Gaza.
The top court also observed that intervening would amount to a judicial injunction for breach of contracts that the Indian companies may have entered into with international entities.

"The fallout of such breaches cannot be appropriately assessed by this court and would lay open Indian companies which have firm commitments into proceedings which may affect their own financial viability," the court said.




America spent $1.6 billion on anti-China propaganda

Expect to see more people like chgough in the coming years
$1.6 billion is such a waste of money, considering so many imbeciles will smear China for free.

absolute and total collapse of the VC environment in China with no parallel magnitude anywhere else. Current Chinese firms at the technological frontier - EVs and semiconductors - rode the VC wave many years ago at the peak; the current compete dearth of equity funding suggests the future years will not be so productive.

Innovation requires an entire ecosystem of a supportive business environment, financial intermediation, human capital, among others. human capital is simply not enough (and the lack of firms now means there will be a lack of “know how” human capital for China years into the future due to a lack of firm-specific experience)
LMAO tweet of the day:

The US regime just can't stop shooting in its own foot:

Chinese Company Under Congressional Scrutiny Makes Key U.S. Drugs​

Lawmakers raising national security concerns and seeking to disconnect a major Chinese firm from U.S. pharmaceutical interests have rattled the biotech industry. The firm is deeply involved in development and manufacturing of crucial therapies for cancer, cystic fibrosis, H.I.V. and other illnesses.
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Democracy in America, a simple explanation:


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Registered Member


How do you reconcile your previous assertion about Chinese startups going to 0 with this data?
Unlike other people here, I can accept that there was a change in the data disclosure regulations as @tokenanalyst kindly pointed out and that the FT article was likely not picking up these data.

Hey now that we're onto this, where are we with the Qingdao Range Rover lady investigation?


Registered Member
Unlike other people here, I can accept that there was a change in the data disclosure regulations as @tokenanalyst kindly pointed out and that the FT article was likely not picking up these data.

Hey now that we're onto this, where are we with the Qingdao Range Rover lady investigation?
I don't know about single petty criminal investigations. Is that what you pay attention to as economic data?