Miscellaneous News


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There's a recent leak that garnered a lot of noise on social media and an embarrassment of sorts for both China and Malaysia due to their perceived "friendly" ties based on public pronouncements from both leaders of the 2 countries, but most of all to the current P.M. Anwar Ibrahim who's been trying to foster a more friendly and warm relations with China for economic and trade reasons.

I am inclined to believe that Western intelligence agencies have double-agents, moles, spies working on a lot of these ASEAN countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines etc..due to these countries relationship and histories with their colonizers. Most of these countries still have a lasting, warmth, and slavish relationship with western countries due to the perceived and real outlook of western countries economic, military, political, and cultural appeal. To be associated with western countries is still seen as a sign of status and class and China is not immune to this entrenched belief.

You are right in that within many ASEAN countries like Malaysia, there is still a substantial amount of white worshipping. It's because the rise of China is still a relatively recent thing. It only started to gain traction in the 2000s, so it's like only 20 years+ compared to more than a century of the Western dominated world order. It'll take some time to change minds, but it'll take awhile.

ASEAN countries have protested against China and each other over the SCS for a long time. It's usually not a big deal, because these are just protests, and not backed by military aggression. It's the same thing when EU nations protest each other over disputed waters. It's only the West and the Philippines who wants to turn these SCS drama into geopolitical tensions for their own agenda. So we will hear lots of rhetorics, but most of them will just be noises. The PH is more concerning, but so far things have not escalated yet to dangerous levels. Chances are that if they do provoke something with China, they'll be fighting alone.
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Registered Member
Good God…

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It's even worse when you realise that these incidents aren't merely a recent thing but have only become more prominent in the discourse due to increasing interconnectedness and the internet, allowing people outside of India to really see what life is like for women and girls in India. It's also a reason why sex workers worldwide refuse to see indian clients.

Didn’t take long for Pavel to break and hand his balls into the Anglo Zionists. Maybe if he hadn’t shat on his home country they could’ve prevented this and allowed telegram its own autonomy. But no, the western worship amongst Slavs is strong and they have yet to transfer their allegiance to the more rewarding Sinophilia.
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Registered Member
Why is India keeps on echoing the Western narrative regarding China's supposed malign intentions with the continent of Africa, as if those countries don't have an operating brain able to decide for themselves whether the terms offered by China is beneficial for their respective countries and economic developments. After all, Africa nations do have a choice between China, U.S. E.U. countries, Russia, and India as well.

If India is that interested on making inroads with Africa it must be done through genuine concern and interest especially when it comes to the economic developments of both developing regions imbued with the fastest growing young population. India should showcase how their country is leading in ........ India should showcase it's prowess in renewable green technologies like solar, wind, geothermal, nuclear power plants, and most importantly showcasing their self-declared prowess in agriculture.

India must also provide a generous loan guarantees that are more than competitive against China's supposed predatory loans that have been subjected endlessly by the west as debt trap diplomacy that's unfortunately permeated to regular African people. India must also showcase their expertise on how to handle and deal with a diverse population with varying degrees of tribal and religious association, language, sub-cultures. Most importantly, how to incorporate the female population participation into the workforce thus ensuring a more robust economic growth that lifts all people. Indian must also showcase how to grapple with graft and corruption, how to finish key government infrastructure projects on time and within budget. How to lead the world in telecommunications, space technology, science and engineering, A.I. quantum computing, robotics, sea exploration, military modernization and more.

India showcasing their prowess on key important issues that affects all regardless of caste, religion, and gender would do wonders on becoming it's self-declared mandate as the leader of global south.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Every culture has their own way of operating and your ethnocentrism isn't welcomed by anyone. This is not the colonial era where you can just impose your will on anyone, no matter how much you wish it was; as you can see what happened to you when you FAFO in 2021.

Many parts of the Middleast and Central Asia think American women are oppressed because they are expected to walk around naked in public or be ostracized for refusing. Sex with a 14yo in USA is pedophilia, but in Austria it is not. Who are you to say "I'm right, you're wrong"? You mind your business, Karen, and don't be a intrusive b**** where nobody wants you.

Perhaps, some countries refuse to transform their societies into what your adulterous president cried about in 1994: half our children are bastards, raised not knowing their father. Your treatment of children is horrible. Infants are raised by non-parents or tablets. Your culture is degenerate, laughing stock of the world, your society is dysfunctional, the basic building block of society (the family) is broken, infidelity is rampant. If anybody chooses not to follow your footsteps, they are doing themselves a great favor. And as bad as the war-torn Afghan society is, they are better off not following your way.

You wreak of the superiority complex of your Euro-colonial forefathers.

You going to defend ISIS next?


Registered Member
Why is India keeps on echoing the Western narrative regarding China's supposed malign intentions with the continent of Africa, as if those countries don't have an operating brain able to decide for themselves whether the terms offered by China is beneficial for their respective countries and economic developments. After all, Africa nations do have a choice between China, U.S. E.U. countries, Russia, and India as well.

If India is that interested on making inroads with Africa it must be done through genuine concern and interest especially when it comes to the economic developments of both developing regions imbued with the fastest growing young population. India should showcase how their country is leading in ........ India should showcase it's prowess in renewable green technologies like solar, wind, geothermal, nuclear power plants, and most importantly showcasing their self-declared prowess in agriculture.

India must also provide a generous loan guarantees that are more than competitive against China's supposed predatory loans that have been subjected endlessly by the west as debt trap diplomacy that's unfortunately permeated to regular African people. India must also showcase their expertise on how to handle and deal with a diverse population with varying degrees of tribal and religious association, language, sub-cultures. Most importantly, how to incorporate the female population participation into the workforce thus ensuring a more robust economic growth that lifts all people. Indian must also showcase how to grapple with graft and corruption, how to finish key government infrastructure projects on time and within budget. How to lead the world in telecommunications, space technology, science and engineering, A.I. quantum computing, robotics, sea exploration, military modernization and more.

India showcasing their prowess on key important issues that affects all regardless of caste, religion, and gender would do wonders on becoming it's self-declared mandate as the leader of global south.
India hates China for the same reason black females hate white Beckys: envy and hatorade. Thing is, Indians could become another China if they put the work in but a culture of religious bigotry and casteism confers undeserved sense of entitlement that makes their ability to grind, train, work hard and plan ahead, an impossibpiling and therefore, Africa could well surpass India in terms of development thanks to BRI.


Junior Member
Registered Member
You going to defend ISIS next?
He is not the one defending child rapists and people who execute for PoWs for fun. You are. So are you going to defend ISIS next? After all what's the difference? That ISIS waits until the rape victims are 18?
India hates China for the same reason black females hate white Beckys: envy and hatorade. Thing is, Indians could become another China if they put the work in but a culture of religious bigotry and casteism confers undeserved sense of entitlement that makes their ability to grind, train, work hard and plan ahead, an impossibpiling and therefore, Africa could well surpass India in terms of development thanks to BRI.
I mean we're 2 completely different cultures with paths and attitudes that practically haven't intersected in 2000+ years. Its not just a simple matter of "put the work in". Or rather, have they ever proved that they can put work in as a cohesive society by themselves?