Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
The US government basically stole someone else's airplane. According to the sanctions Venezuela isn't allowed to buy any aircraft with US content in it, even if it is a single screw. Iran leased Venezuela a 747 of theirs and it got stolen by the US when it landed in Argentina. This time it is a French built private jet (Dassault Falcon 900EX), that has US made engines in it stolen by the US when it landed in the Dominican Republic.

The US government do not believe the first-sale doctrine applies to their extraterritorial sanctions.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Yes, lol: winning votes in Doral, FL and Hialeah, FL is far more important than pretending to give a fuck about the complaints of weak irrelevant countries
Distance from Caracas to New York is 3419 km. Range of soon to be in service Kalibr-M cruise missile will be 4500 km range.
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Bastion-P should be able to launch such missiles. But sure pick your poison.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Saying size of US economy is greater than zero is very different from US economy being anywhere near it's claimed size.
Original claim was that the U.S. “made” nothing, and now it’s a list of things that are made in the US, some exclusively so
Current US interest rate is 5.5% and debt spending make up all US "growth", every month that passes is more ZIRP debt rolling over to 5.5% to sustain that illusion of "growth", debt servicing has already exceed US military spending and at this interest rate it'll be 2x military spending before end of 2025, the US is literally eating itself alive to sustain the illusion of life.
The unsustainable federal fiscal balance is entirely due to social security and Medicare.
Course Feds can cut interest rates, as they already hinted they will, but without any growth in real productive capital it'll drive up inflation and cause USD to depreciate, and America's nominal GDP is the only thing they can use to pretend to be the size they are.
It wouldn’t matter if the usd depreciated since NGDP is measured in USD. And regardless - physical capital stock has been increasing in the U.S.
At it's core US simply lack enough human capital, technological capital nor industrial capital to back up its claimed economic size, the natural place for the US, with it's population size, education, political system and work ethic is a large Argentina, and US will be lucky to land at that position softly. The lottery winnings from 20th century has run out, and US has one last shot to avoid the pains of sudden wealth syndrom.
The U.S. is leagues and above the rest of the OECD in the share of the population with tertiary education and has tens of trillions of dollars of accumulated physical capital stock and technological development (drug formulas, source code, etc) that will exist into perpetuity. There is no “lottery winnings”; just steady, competent governance in a serene political environment delivering 2% growth year after year after year for 200+ years - one of the longest (if not the longest) unbroken chain of peaceful economic development of any country existent today.


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I am now convinced more than ever that Lai Ching Te has to die along with English vegetable purely because of such disingenuousness and dishonesty, and I say this as a Taiwanese Compatriot. Also Ko Wenjie deserves to get shitcanned for being stupid enough not to compromise with KMT when they had a chance to win the election.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Pure hubris. Especially considering the US lost to sandal wearing goat herders in Afghanistan and Yemen.
The U.S. was actually able to occupy a country on the other side of the world at minimal cost for 2+ decades. Russia can’t even occupy a bordering country and it’s entirely because of de minimis fiscal transfers from the U.S. to Ukraine


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
The U.S. was actually able to occupy a country on the other side of the world at minimal cost for 2+ decades. Russia can’t even occupy a bordering country and it’s entirely because of de minimis fiscal transfers from the U.S. to Ukraine
The US could not hold Afghanistan even dragging NATO along with it, and with the full blown support of Russia, Tajikistan, etc. Plus tacit acceptance of their presence there by China, Iran, and Pakistan. The Taliban were basically surrounded on all sides by countries with governments which did not support them. What support they did have was informal and provided by non-state actors.

The US used to joke about the Soviets losing in Afghanistan, but at least the Soviets managed to pull off an organized withdrawal, which is more than the US could do. The US withdrawal was a total debacle comparable with the collapse of Saigon in the Vietnam War.

Ukraine had hundreds of tanks, hundreds of billions of material support delivered to them. The Taliban had no such thing.

Wait until the bill for replacing that military equipment sent to Ukraine comes. And then you will cry. Those hundreds of billions sent to Ukraine will require a cool trillion to replace. They started with small arms costing several thousand, then million, then it was ten million dollar tanks, and now it is hundred million dollar jets.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Also Ko Wenjie deserves to get shitcanned for being stupid enough not to compromise with KMT when they had a chance to win the election.
Heh, truly, the U.S. government can work wonders. Just a handful of leaks and meetings from the AIT and the U.S. is able
to split the Taiwanese vote cleanly down the middle and get Le Chiang-Te elected. Amazing