Iran could sink a US carrier if they wanted to. The US Navy is arrogant enough to regularly parade their carriers in the middle of the Persian Gulf.Iran doesn’t have the hard power to have a great chance of being able to inflict meaningful, lasting damage on the US (ie sink a carrier). So unless China wants to kick off AR in the next few months, there is little benefit to Iran and America going to blows.
Even if the carrier is far from Iranian territory, the Iranians have plenty of weapons which can sink a US carrier battlegroup. For example they operate the Russian Kalibr anti-ship missile and Shkval supercavitating torpedo. They also have Kilo class submarines.
They have ballistic anti-ship missiles as well like Khalij-e Fars. And they have the drones to cue those missiles.
The problem is not sinking the carrier and its battlegroup. The problem is what happens afterwards.
Much like what happened with Yemen though it is highly likely the Iranian military and leadership would survive in underground mountain bases.This means that in the event of open war between the US and Iran, there is almost zero prospect that the US would burden itself with occupation and nation building afterwards (which it supremely sucks at). Instead it will just do what it does best, blow shit up on an industrial scale, collapse economic, industrial and social order and not even make any token attempts at alleviating the suffering of Iranian civilians or preserving regional stability afterwards.
Iran could start blowing up US bases in the region with intermediate and medium range missiles.That means Iran will only cost America ammo, which can be quickly replenished. In turn, Russia and China will loose a valuable ally to distract and stretch American forces with.
How well did that work in Yemen? And that was a country which can actually be blockaded. While Iran shares a border with Russia in the Caspian Sea. China could also send them weapons overland via Afghanistan or Turkmenistan.Except the US has zero intention of getting into a ground war in Iran. They will bomb the place to ruin and can call it quits anytime they want.
Iran does have fairly decent ground based air defenses though. Ever heard of the Khordad-15 or the Bavar-373?Iran doesn’t have anything like robust enough an air force or IADS to be able to trouble the US. The US can just bomb them with near impunity with F35s and JDAMs.
Iran can attack any bases the US would use for their strike aircraft. They have missiles with enough range. If it was that easy to bomb Iran with impunity why do you think the US has not done this yet?The US can and will just turn Iran into a failed state by systematically destroying its economic, industrial and military capabilities from the air.
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