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Iran doesn’t have the hard power to have a great chance of being able to inflict meaningful, lasting damage on the US (ie sink a carrier). So unless China wants to kick off AR in the next few months, there is little benefit to Iran and America going to blows.
Iran could sink a US carrier if they wanted to. The US Navy is arrogant enough to regularly parade their carriers in the middle of the Persian Gulf.
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Even if the carrier is far from Iranian territory, the Iranians have plenty of weapons which can sink a US carrier battlegroup. For example they operate the Russian Kalibr anti-ship missile and Shkval supercavitating torpedo. They also have Kilo class submarines.
They have ballistic anti-ship missiles as well like Khalij-e Fars. And they have the drones to cue those missiles.

The problem is not sinking the carrier and its battlegroup. The problem is what happens afterwards.

This means that in the event of open war between the US and Iran, there is almost zero prospect that the US would burden itself with occupation and nation building afterwards (which it supremely sucks at). Instead it will just do what it does best, blow shit up on an industrial scale, collapse economic, industrial and social order and not even make any token attempts at alleviating the suffering of Iranian civilians or preserving regional stability afterwards.
Much like what happened with Yemen though it is highly likely the Iranian military and leadership would survive in underground mountain bases.

That means Iran will only cost America ammo, which can be quickly replenished. In turn, Russia and China will loose a valuable ally to distract and stretch American forces with.
Iran could start blowing up US bases in the region with intermediate and medium range missiles.

Except the US has zero intention of getting into a ground war in Iran. They will bomb the place to ruin and can call it quits anytime they want.
How well did that work in Yemen? And that was a country which can actually be blockaded. While Iran shares a border with Russia in the Caspian Sea. China could also send them weapons overland via Afghanistan or Turkmenistan.

Iran doesn’t have anything like robust enough an air force or IADS to be able to trouble the US. The US can just bomb them with near impunity with F35s and JDAMs.
Iran does have fairly decent ground based air defenses though. Ever heard of the Khordad-15 or the Bavar-373?

The US can and will just turn Iran into a failed state by systematically destroying its economic, industrial and military capabilities from the air.
Iran can attack any bases the US would use for their strike aircraft. They have missiles with enough range. If it was that easy to bomb Iran with impunity why do you think the US has not done this yet?
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Lieutenant General
That ammo the U.S. will have to expend to bring Iran down is not going to be quickly replenished just like that as you might believe given how hollowed out the U.S. manufacturing capability truly is right now, especially with how much the U.S. has used to help Ukraine.

Quickly is relative. Realistically it might take years for them to fully replenish their stocks, but for planning purposes China cannot assume more than 48 months. Is China prepared to start the countdown on AR just yet? Maybe, but not for the sake of anyone else

And also should the U.S. unleash its fire power against Iran, expecting China and Russia not to unload its arsenal against the U.S. in its time to redirected focus is simply silly. Besides both China and Russia know that should Iran fall, they will be next so if the U.S. has used up enough of its arsenal for Ukraine and Israel’s sake, it will be that much less there to deter China and Russia from hitting the U.S. on both sides of the coast and it only takes one nuke (EMP) to bring down the entire U.S. grid which in effect will almost single handedly bring down the U.S. empire over night. The USA hasn’t upgrade its air defenses for a very long time based on its assumption that they can never be hit by anyone (which right now is not true in the slightest), so unless the USA has any true Idea about what they are in for, they would need to reassess carefully in their next moves because any miscalculation right now could spell trouble for the USA.

Congratulations, you now have WWIII and have very likely tripped the US’ nuclear MAD triggers. And there lies China’s primary dilemma. To fight America directly will be such a momentous undertaking that anything other than total unconditional victory isn’t worth the cost. But total victory is impossible with MAD.

The solution isn’t China’s nuclear silo fields or SSBNs, but Star Wars (SW).

The only scenario where nuclear war is tolerable is if you have SW orbital ABM defences that has a credible chance of limiting the costs to something approaching acceptable.

This is where the hidden arms race is raging without the world even realising. This is why Starlink is so important and also why China is investing so much in mass launch capabilities. Because if one side can create enough of a lead on in mass orbital launch capability over the other, then they can rush deploy SW orbital defences. From that point on, it’s game over as they can and will shoot down anything from the other side trying to get into orbit, be it their own SW platforms or ASAT or ICBMs. That’s the only feasible way any side can break the MAD dilemma, and that is for sure more than 48 months away.

Short of being within sprint distance of such a paradigm shifting capability, I just don’t see China proactively seeking direct war against the US.


Registered Member
Indeed, that description has been removed from most pages including wikipedia. I had it read it recently on Wikipedia and he mentioned it in an interview. Both are now missing after his arrest.
Most prominent Jews from ex Soviet States have Israeli citizenship not some thing hidden and France will be the last place they will look for citizenship due to Armenian diaspora and other issues. Also Jews invest directly or indirectly i in Israeli firms but this person does not have much investments in other places.


Junior Member
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Except the US has zero intention of getting into a ground war in Iran. They will bomb the place to ruin and can call it quits anytime they want.
I'm sorry but this is some truly harebrained take, on par with ppl saying "Germany could have won ww2 just by blitzing Stalingrad, not sieging it".

Sending planes over prepared defenders isn't gonna achieve anything except lost planes and civilian deaths, since it's civilians that can't convinently run away or go into forts.
Air power cannot hold ground, but ground troops can’t do anything against air power either.
Any type of air defense says hi.
Iran doesn’t have anything like robust enough an air force or IADS to be able to trouble the US. The US can just bomb them with near impunity with F35s and JDAMs.
Iran has better AA vis a vis what Vietnam had when US attacked them. And better AA vis a vis US than Ukraine has vs Russia.

JDAM or more likely here JASSM-ER all require a kill chain to be completed and gives ample time for prepared defenders to just... Run/pop back into concrete forts. Unless you have ground troops pinning them, you'll still get the occasional lick in with just airpower, but the efficiency will be awful.

As shown by how Hamas only suffered marginal damage so far despite being a comparatively tiny force with awful equipment besides just fortifications. Or how long the Mariupol/Bakhmut clusters survived.
The US is still the hegemon less and until China directly challenges and defeats it. The world will do as much about them bombing Iran as they are currently doing against Israel for genociding the Palestinians.
For me at least hegemon implies an uncontested controller, which US may be for the northern American continent, but having suffered military defeat to China's proxy forces even as far back as around the 1960s, disqualifies him from claiming to be a true military hegemon. Neither can you be an economic/industrial hegemon while having no2 largest economy.
If China or Russia directly challenges it to take advantage of its window of vulnerability, then that’s WWIII. And to he frank, no one is starting WWIII over Iran.

The US can and will just turn Iran into a failed state by systematically destroying its economic, industrial and military capabilities from the air.
And also the ground, because otherwise there won't be an Israel or bases for them to go back to. Iran's first line of defense are it's proxies that all have large rocket arsenals and are inside fortifications that have been built up for decades. So US army need to start sieging first, or airbases will just get rocketed.
Iran’s only defence is its strong offence where it can deal Israel some mighty blows. But under American bombardment, they face the ‘use it or loose it’ dilemma. If Israel is prepared to endure the pain, they actually don’t have that many other cards to play. Hezbollah is a defensive force. They can give the IDF a bloody nose playing defence, but they don’t have the heavy weapons to launch effective offences to invade Israel.
I don't doubt that they can make Iran into a failed state and destroy all Iranian strongholds around the middle east after years of protracted campaign. I also don't doubt they will kill a million Iran soldiers while only losing hundreds of thousands... IF they can afford to commit 100% of their military power and mobilize economically for the full duration of that time.

It's a big if, and with US so incredibly vulnerable during that time, it'd be a shame if US had other, far more powerful enemies that they need to respond to. Because their lines elsewhere in the world might look like the Russian border defenses once Iran SMO gets going.

Again, Russians afford that because they only gotta worry about fighting 1 enemy.
Iran’s only credible deterrence will be having its own nuclear arsenal. If they achieve nuclear breakout, they can afford to grow a spin and be a mad dog like North Korea. Unless and until that happens, they need to play it smart or they will get spanked.
Does China want or need Iran to have credible deterrence? Iran is bait for US, like Ukraine was supposed to be bait for Russia.


Registered Member
Recent Pegasus 2024 exercise in Taiwan had a TOW 2A demo, 17 missiles fired, 7 hits (41% hit rate according to below link). It's under investigation:
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Is that just operator error or is there something wrong with ROC's TOW missile stock? That last miss was particularly egregious.
Is there a warranty from Raytheon for defective TOW missiles? Or are they too old to be covered by warranties? Anyway, with your main ATGM having a hit rate <50% is gonna become an effective deterrent for those DPP idiots from declaring independence.

One of the wires got disconnected/werent connected?
If its true, then they truly suck at war. Even sandal-wearing ISIS and Al-Qaeda militants don't screw up their TOW missiles as often as that.


Registered Member
Quick look at the topography of Iran will show how difficult it is to invade, let alone occupy Iran.
View attachment 134844
Apart from a few southern coastal regions and Khuzestan (southwest lowlands next to Iraq), the rest is Afghanistan 2.0 + 100x worse attrition. We all know how good US is at mountain warfare.

there is litte thing called Arabic Soft Power. Arabs wanted to balance Turks in Syria so Iran was allowed and MBS era was just beginning (New Europe). I dont think you understood the link i posted where Taliban was downplaying Turkish Scholars complaint regarding Israel. thats why you need to study Arabic Soft Power and as only they can create new Empire that will be bigger than the previous one. Financial dominance is already there.
do you think bankrupt bangladesh can complain about it?
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China, U.S. agree to a leader call in top White House aide’s Beijing visit​

National security adviser Jake Sullivan’s meeting with top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi is aimed at keeping communication channels open amid strained relations.

BEIJING — The United States and China agreed Wednesday to more military talks and a call between the two countries’ leaders, after two days of talks between U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan and top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi, aimed at preventing the difficult relationship from veering into conflict.

A call between President
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and Chinese leader Xi Jinping will be planned in coming weeks, as part of an effort to keep lines of communication open, according to a readout from the White House.

Chinese readout, Sullivan got an earful from Wang Yi
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Wang Yi stressed that China firmly safeguards its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests over the South China Sea Islands, and upholds the seriousness and effectiveness of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea. The United States must not use bilateral treaties as an excuse to undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and must not support or condone the Philippines' infringements.

South China Sea was brought up, let's see if the US listens.

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US readout


Junior Member
Registered Member
Except the US has zero intention of getting into a ground war in Iran. They will bomb the place to ruin and can call it quits anytime they want.

Air power cannot hold ground, but ground troops can’t do anything against air power either.

Iran doesn’t have anything like robust enough an air force or IADS to be able to trouble the US. The US can just bomb them with near impunity with F35s and JDAMs.

The US is still the hegemon less and until China directly challenges and defeats it. The world will do as much about them bombing Iran as they are currently doing against Israel for genociding the Palestinians.

If China or Russia directly challenges it to take advantage of its window of vulnerability, then that’s WWIII. And to he frank, no one is starting WWIII over Iran.

The US can and will just turn Iran into a failed state by systematically destroying its economic, industrial and military capabilities from the air. Iran’s only defence is its strong offence where it can deal Israel some mighty blows. But under American bombardment, they face the ‘use it or loose it’ dilemma. If Israel is prepared to endure the pain, they actually don’t have that many other cards to play. Hezbollah is a defensive force. They can give the IDF a bloody nose playing defence, but they don’t have the heavy weapons to launch effective offences to invade Israel.

Iran’s only credible deterrence will be having its own nuclear arsenal. If they achieve nuclear breakout, they can afford to grow a spin and be a mad dog like North Korea. Unless and until that happens, they need to play it smart or they will get spanked.
You are not taking into account the chips Iran has, such as the hundreds of US bases that surround Iran and the US naval vessels in the Persian Gulf, Arabian & Red sea that can be taken out by ballistic missiles and Geran swarms, the Iranian backed militias all around these bases in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Lebanon, and Yemen with their own ballistic missiles and drone arsenals that can wreak havoc in the region, Aramco and other Gulf oil refineries that can be taken out and raise the gallon price inside the US to over 10USD, Gulf countries water desalination complexes, Israel etc.

Should Iran feel like its going under in an all out strike by the US, there wouldn't be any reason to left to hold back from striking all these targets to achieve a mutually assured destruction type of scenario, so going after Iran's infrastructure and economy in the way you describe, would actually make Iran more dangerous and destructive, not less. Furthermore, Iran can become far more dangerous than Yemen post war, because where Yemen is surrounded by US puppet states and somehow still receives hi tech weapons, Iran is surrounded by actual allies, China via Pakistan and Afghanistan, Russia via the Caspian Sea, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon via land corridors, so Iran can become an absolute nightmare for the entire region if it were to get destabilized.


Junior Member
Is there a warranty from Raytheon for defective TOW missiles? Or are they too old to be covered by warranties? Anyway, with your main ATGM having a hit rate <50% is gonna become an effective deterrent for those DPP idiots from declaring independence.

If its true, then they truly suck at war. Even sandal-wearing ISIS and Al-Qaeda militants don't screw up their TOW missiles as often as that.

According to TW TV-commentator who was ex-military, those TOWs are radio controlled version because wired version does not work over sea when wires got wet. According to him this is most likely due to quality issues.


Registered Member
In Malaysia, a bunch of sinkholes are popping up around Kuala Lumpur. One of them tragically swallowed up an Indian tourist last week. Her body have not been found till this day. If anyone is travelling to Kuala Lumpur, its best to avoid the area called Jalan Masjid India.

This was the footage of the first sinkhole that swallowed up an Indian tourist. Its a horrible way to go.

The reason this is happening, I believe is decades of under-maintenance of the sewage system, lack of concern for sinkhole formations by the govt, and the recent series of heavy rains.
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