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IBM's reputation among tech industry is that of an Declining
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Think of the Joe Biden of Tech. That is IBM.

Only the most ignorant would say that. IBM is a remarkable company that is still prospering after pivoting from office equipment to computers to services garnering the most corporate patents globally for the last three decades.


Registered Member
Only the most ignorant would say that. IBM is a remarkable company that is still prospering after pivoting from office equipment to computers to services garnering the most corporate patents globally for the last three decades.
Is that true?

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Chinese telecoms giant Huawei Technologies remained by far the top filer with 6,494 published PCT applications in 2023. Samsung Electronics of the Republic of Korea came in second (3,924 applications), followed by Qualcomm of the US (3,410), Mitsubishi Electric of Japan (2,152) and BOE Technology of China (1,988). Contemporary Amperex Technology of China marked the fastest growth among the top 10 applicants, with an additional 1,533 published applications in 2023, moving up 84 positions to eighth place. In contrast, the top applicant, Huawei Technologies, had 1,195 fewer published applications in 2023 compared to the previous year.


Lieutenant General
Before now the US would use its tea leaves reading to believe if Americans were buying cars, the US economy was doing great. On the face of it the logic was that buying cars are not a necessity therefore if people were buying cars, their lives were okay that they could even buy these luxuries where if the economy was doing bad, they would less likely buy such a big ticket item just in case they needed the money for more important things. Then economically look at all the supply side businesses beyond the car companies themselves that benefit and are dependent on the production of cars.

But then look at China where the world EV industry is dependent on China for parts and sales and yet according to the West not an indicator that China's economy is doing well. One in three cars sold in the world are sold in China. China's EV industry is all in-house. The Western car industries today are dependent on cheaper parts overseas and their cars are still the most expensive. I heard somewhere like 30%-40% of Japan's economy is dependent on its car industry and all the other industries that supply it. The US and German economies are similarly just as economically dependent on their car industries.

If China weren't so dominate in EVs, they would be saying how much China needed them because it couldn't do it alone. What other industry are they saying that? Semiconductors. It's so complex no one country can do it by themselves... They're not giving China good advice. They're hoping China doesn't go it alone and do it all by themselves because it will be their end. They won't be making any money from it. Just like with cars, what double digit hit to their economies will it be if they couldn't compete against Chinese semiconductors? China bought 60% of the world's computer chip production. And now they lost it by banning China from buying it. Do you think they did that knowing they can live without China buying them? No, it was all a ploy to get China to surrender like Japan did and then they could essentially take over China and dictate terms without compromise on what they had to do and buy from them. Why do you think all the US's closest and fragile allies went along betting it all that China would surrender to US demands without any conditions? Maybe because they couldn't do that themselves and because they think they're superior to the Chinese, so of course China would fold. You better believe it was something as simple as that.
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Lieutenant General
Talk to a Gartner chief analysist once about IBM, he said IBM only have a brand name left. So leaving or staying really doesn't matter much.

Maybe not that much to IBM directly from this one specific move, but it will have far wider and broader ramifications for not just IBM but American companies as a whole, if not all Anglosphere vassals as well. Because Chinese employees of those companies are going to take note of this and become potentially very unsettled as a result of this and all the previous warning signs and start jumping ship.

As invariably happens in such cases, the best and brightest tend to be the first to move on, and that can start a cascade cycle that becomes almost impossible to stop once it gets going, and can quickly effectively neuters the whole company.

In a way, I think this has already been happening on the down-low for quite some time now, and the free fall of western companies across the board is likely a result where the quiet Chinese workers who were the actual brains and hearts driving force behind the success of western companies jump ship and are replaced by weaker Anglo employees, or worse, outright lying Jai Hinds who use online cheating bibles to land jobs and then proceeds to squeeze out anyone remotely capable and competent to lower the overall standard of the company to their level so they cannot be fired for being incompetent, and the bring in all their family and friends who do the same until the whole company gets Boeing’d or Twittered.


Junior Member
Registered Member
The neocon/neolib US runs massive secret disinformation/propaganda campaigns against the nations of the true free world:


US officials admitted they ran covert ops that spread China-smearing lies, not caring how many victims were harmed or killed, Reuters reported. Watch exactly how these covert ops work -- this 11-min mini-documentary shows multiple examples of big budget US covert operations which: a) Pushed harmful medical disinformation which causes deaths; b) Spread wildly fake numbers about a non-existent Chinese "genocide"; c) Tricked people into thinking taxpayers were clamouring for their money to be spent on US weapons; and d) Spread harmful disinformation about Palestine and Venezuela. The bad news: disinformation messages from US sources or their contractors are popping up on China's social media apps now.


1) The neocon/neolib US spends 90 billion dollars on anti-China propaganda alone.
2) The neocon/neolib US uses propaganda/misinformation outlets of its vassals states such as DW, BBC, France24, to amplify its misinformation/lies
3) This huge propaganda/misinformation push by the neocon/neolib US is meant to deceive a global audience
4) The neocon/neolib US is in possession of the largest and most sophisticated propaganda/misinformation network on earth (in recorded history)

My perspective:

I myself have encountered these "as a German/Australian/Italian/etc." regime bots on Twitter, YouTube, Yahoo, and other platforms. I try to call them out for it but other bots, retards, trolls usually jump on me for pointing out their egregious lies. I hope more people will wake up to this malign behavior and call these neocon/neolib regime bots out for what they truly are.


Registered Member
The neocon/neolib US runs massive secret disinformation/propaganda campaigns against the nations of the true free world:


US officials admitted they ran covert ops that spread China-smearing lies, not caring how many victims were harmed or killed, Reuters reported. Watch exactly how these covert ops work -- this 11-min mini-documentary shows multiple examples of big budget US covert operations which: a) Pushed harmful medical disinformation which causes deaths; b) Spread wildly fake numbers about a non-existent Chinese "genocide"; c) Tricked people into thinking taxpayers were clamouring for their money to be spent on US weapons; and d) Spread harmful disinformation about Palestine and Venezuela. The bad news: disinformation messages from US sources or their contractors are popping up on China's social media apps now.


1) The neocon/neolib US spends 90 billion dollars on anti-China propaganda alone.
2) The neocon/neolib US uses propaganda/misinformation outlets of its vassals states such as DW, BBC, France24, to amplify its misinformation/lies
3) This huge propaganda/misinformation push by the neocon/neolib US is meant to deceive a global audience
4) The neocon/neolib US is in possession of the largest and most sophisticated propaganda/misinformation network on earth (in recorded history)

My perspective:

I myself have encountered these "as a German/Australian/Italian/etc." regime bots on Twitter, YouTube, Yahoo, and other platforms. I try to call them out for it but other bots, retards, trolls usually jump on me for pointing out their egregious lies. I hope more people will wake up to this malign behavior and call these neocon/neolib regime bots out for what they truly are.
There was no mercy for Joseph Goebbels.


Registered Member
Russia can’t use the U.S. Dollar. Is this supposed to be a surprise?
And the rest of the world?
Rest of the world can use the USD, they just choose not to because ashkeanzi Jewish IQ ordered USG to confiscate Russian treasuries. Truly, evidence of a people chosen by god.

excellent, let Europeans get used to Chinese airlines as they got used to emirates and Singapore airlines.

Faceberg trying to curry favour with trump, just in case the democrats lose.

i guess the warning signs were there for autocrat macron, what with styling himself as ”Jupiter”
Maybe not that much to IBM directly from this one specific move, but it will have far wider and broader ramifications for not just IBM but American companies as a whole, if not all Anglosphere vassals as well. Because Chinese employees of those companies are going to take note of this and become potentially very unsettled as a result of this and all the previous warning signs and start jumping ship.

As invariably happens in such cases, the best and brightest tend to be the first to move on, and that can start a cascade cycle that becomes almost impossible to stop once it gets going, and can quickly effectively neuters the whole company.

In a way, I think this has already been happening on the down-low for quite some time now, and the free fall of western companies across the board is likely a result where the quiet Chinese workers who were the actual brains and hearts driving force behind the success of western companies jump ship and are replaced by weaker Anglo employees, or worse, outright lying Jai Hinds who use online cheating bibles to land jobs and then proceeds to squeeze out anyone remotely capable and competent to lower the overall standard of the company to their level so they cannot be fired for being incompetent, and the bring in all their family and friends who do the same until the whole company gets Boeing’d or Twittered.

IBM is headed in the same direction as ATOS SE, a successor to French and German IT Champion, Groupe Bull and Siemens IT Solutions, which itself is facing bankruptcy and was bailed out by French just because they were responsible for IT solutions at the Paris Olympics. ( No wonder the Official Paris Olympic website sucks.) Their stock price is down from 135 euro to less than One Euro in a span of 7 years. The brand and legacy government contracts are keeping them alive.

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