I have a small question: Everybody knows that pistols have great muzzle jump. To solve this problem, assault rifles usually add a muzzle break. I wonder if muzzle break can be adopted into pistols?
when countries speak of banned/prohibited items, anything considered under the category do not escape from the law unless otherwise stated, so since light arms are weapons of war, i don't see how they are exemptedI do have a quick question. China right now still have an arms embargo on them. Does this mean all arms including SMG, Rifles and Pistols?
Now that it is confirmed, if china make copies of this weapons like the M4 and the MP5 do you know if they can be charged of copyright infringement for domestic use?
Now that it is confirmed, if china make copies of this weapons like the M4 and the MP5 do you know if they can be charged of copyright infringement for domestic use?