Military FAQ thread


New Member
Re: Military FAQ

Gollevainen said:
nice to get new members on the ansewring team;)

I agree whit knarfo to some point...internet forums can be the best sources of information, mostly when dealing whit low attention matters...but as unfortunetly i have be noticing, they can be also the worst possiple ways of information. Just have to remember that all posted in internet forums can be bullshit, tough fortunetly it isent' the case most of the time.

Agree. It also depends on what type of questions you ask. Anything political will of course generate a lot of opinions. Tanknet is good because of its members. There are several published authors participating like Anthony Williams whose book on automatic guns guns can be found at amazon. He has also co written a book on assault rifles with Max Popenker. There is also Jim Warford that has written articles about tanks. In am not promoting Tanknet for selfish reasons. I very seldom have anything to contribute. There are plenty of people there with solid hands on experiance and also those who are currently in the thick of it so to speak. And they are genuine for all I can tell. Tanknet is a fairly old forum and most of the old guard know each other. It is definately one of the more credible forums at least if the right people bother to post.


"the engineer"
Re: Military FAQ

to answer popeye's salary question:

navy, airforce and second artillery officers have double the pay of army.
captain to colonel level have 5000-6000 yuan per month salary
and private have 300 per month

captain to colonel is about 3000
private is about 200-250

non-combat officers (medical officers, etc) get paid about 2000-3000 depending on rank

this is since january 1st 2005. all numbers in yuan per month


New Member
Re: Military FAQ

A few questions, not to test anybodies knowledge, but because I am curious:

Around what percentage of Chinas overall military apparatus, men and machines, are in close proximity (~500km's) of Taiwan?

Does China have publically known staging and jump off positions (ie, the places where soldiers accumulate to set off from), to invade Taiwan from?

Does China operate sonar sensor arrays in the Taiwan straight, similar to those used by the US and USSR in the Cold War, as an early warning system to detect submarines?

Do Chinese MRBM's, Scud clones et al, operate from launch sites with pre-designated targets for a rapid launch, or do they sit in hardened facilities, with notice and targets needed prior to fueling etc?

I don't really expect you to be able to answer these with much certanity, but any guesstimates would be nice.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Military FAQ

PiSigma said:
to answer popeye's salary question:

navy, airforce and second artillery officers have double the pay of army.
captain to colonel level have 5000-6000 yuan per month salary
and private have 300 per month

captain to colonel is about 3000
private is about 200-250

non-combat officers (medical officers, etc) get paid about 2000-3000 depending on rank

this is since january 1st 2005. all numbers in yuan per month

Thanks for the info. But can someone convert those figures to US dollars/?thanks!


Banned Idiot
Re: Military FAQ

ger_mark said:
1 U.S. dollar = 8.08276754 Chinese yuan
for now...
it actually keeps changing all the time, and chinas just revalueing its currency.

well swimmer, fyi, i was actually going to ask a question too, but the power went out.

so heres my question: can any of name all of the plaaf's flight simulators? any kind is good. are therew any simulator under development
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VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Military FAQ

for now...
it actually keeps changing all the time, and chinas just revalueing its currency.

well that how it was today

Ger_Mark I strongly suguest you edit that post if you have something to add.... next time I'm deleting without telling you.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Military FAQ

No. It has some desing feaures of Israeli LAVI, by that israelis offered their desing work to china and chinese used those as basis of their own fighter. It isent anyway LAVI copy, only similar in airframe concept (remember that vry few fighters are totally indegenious desings that dont benefit from earlyer desings. In matter of fact non are)