Ok kids, fasten your seatbelts, this is about to get interesting??? that fancy FCS was "glitchy" and as no one employs "flight engineers" any longer , (ignorant, but a money saver), the Captain had left his seat in order to shut down the whole FCS system,,,, media is blathering on and on, but no doubt to kill the FCS, power down, and have master reset upon reboot, in order to return the system to function? The co-pilot lost control of the aircraft apparently, stalls it, and is unable to lower the nose and allow the airspeed to build, prolly in cloud and severe turbulence? as I said this will get very interesting, as this airplane had apparently already had issues with the FCS.
Now the airplane is very capable of being flown without the FCS, but the copilot failed to maintain flying speed, it is counter intuitive, but you must release back pressure on the stick, the copilot had likely not flown the aircraft with the FCS disabled?
Layperson questions:
How does the FCS simplify flying for the pilot under normal circumstances working properly?
Is flying without a FCS not a regular part of qualification for a pilot?
If a FCS is found to be "glitchy"/non-performing why not fly without it rather than try to fix it in-flight?