Yeah, but the Mk-48 VLS doesn't require heavy duty modifications to the ship in order to install. There is both an on deck and bulkhead version of the Mk-48 which means that once could install the VLS onto any part of the ship that could take close to 2,000 pounds of equipment.
Furthermore, the Mk-48 VLS can accept ESSM; on our Halifax class frigates, the Sea Sparrow missiles are being replaced by ESSM. The Dutch also use a compact module version of the Mk-48 VLS as part of their STANFLEX modules, carrying 6 Sea Sparrow or 6 ESSM's in each module.
Three points.
1) Provisions for Mk-41 have already been made on both LCS classes. No structural mods necessary. They just have to drop in the modules, and then of course, add the electronics (fire control).
2) The Mk-41 cells allows a four for one ESSM. So eight cells of Mk-41 translates in up to 32 ESSM. Mk-48 is a two for one exchange. So eight cells give either 32 ESSM with Mk-41, or 16 ESSM with Mk-48.
2)Mk-41 has a much wider range of munitions that can be launched, including, importantly the LRASM that is going to be introduced.
Jura said:
Jeff, what about the radar(s), could the Sea GIRAFFE (on Independence) and the TRS-3D (on Freedom) track and illuminate targets etc. for the RIM-162 ESSM, or they have/would get different/new contraptions
Jura, as pointblank said, there would need to be fire control placed on the LCS to control the Mk-41 and the various weapons it might fire. An upgrade to the air search radar might also be advisable depending on the range of the projected engagement.