Ladakh Flash Point

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Really? Its always entertaining to watch you two
But your ones with bolly script are always hilarious.

Kind of remind me "Rise of the planet of the apes", only indian apes in this case :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Looks like some Jai Hinds actually believe their own bollywood farts.

No human being can carry the weight of four average adults (not even four average teenage girls lol) with their bare hands. To say nothing of carrying awkward loads. Throwing them off? Jeez sometimes this shit is laughable.

Have the Indians no shame at all? And no self-awareness of how humiliating they are to themselves?


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@Kakyan @twineedle check out your fellow IT Cell troll. Explain how this vehicle was captured? Was it announced and paraded as if it is captured? Was it ever even mentioned by already fraudulent Indian media that the Indians ever captured a PLA vehicle in 2020?

This vehicle wasn't captured and this only shows Indians are full of shit for calling it as if it is. The full video shows the vehicle reversing slowly once the people inside were probably commanded to get out of there. Just be grateful the PLA didn't command the occupants to waste these baboons. Baboon sticks and Jai Hind cries is not actually effective in disabling or capturing any vehicle. For that, you need some semi-respectable military capability lol.

If that vehicle was “captured” then cars are routinely captured by wild animals on safaris. What I do know is that this happened shortly after.



Registered Member
I honestly don't know why some Indians really insist on speaking such nonsense? Is it cultural? Surely it is a factor.

How can a vehicle being totally owned and controlled by PLA go into the midst of a situation they didn't expect (IA acting violent and killing/beating and capturing a comms officer without precedent or obvious provocation to call for such) and return as a totally PLA owned and controlled vehicle. Then become somehow captured by Indians?! Boggles the sober mind.

I suppose when IA actually lost dozens of men to capture and lost F3 to F8 to capture for an entire year before agreements allows F3 to F8 to become a buffer, this unease at accepting the sorry state of Indian military capabilities means they have to invent nonsense and shout it as loud as possible to prevent the sobering reality from becoming realised and realised as a problem to be overcome. Because you know... that requires... WORK. It's easier to shout and talk shit.

It says a lot about a people and a culture. The lazy man prefers to engage in self-delusion like telling himself his team has captured a vehicle it clearly hasn't. It's no secret the work ethic differences between and which prefers to shit and sleep all day.


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With Ladakh side dispute (one out of three sections I believe?) on a seemingly stable settlement, India still claims parts of Aksai Chin and China claim parts of Arunachal Pradesh.

If this sort of overall strategy employed (depends who you view as strategic instigator - I think it is China here with Ladakh in choosing to act against what it considered justified response to Indian "aggression" moves), proves to be a workable one, I would imagine some repeat customised version to fit with the other disputes. Will be raised in time.

If one considers this more an Indian choice to begin strategic maneuvers and test some out, there is no question that it is a failure if the purpose was to at least maintain access to the F3 to F8 stretches, something both had and do not anymore... seemingly at least. We only know that India will have no access but PLA will only need to move their equipment and camps away. No word on whether PLA gets access to anything beyond F8, which is something the offers made by China include. Or at least beyond F8. Also still no word on Depsang, Gogra, hot springs etc?


Registered Member
what happened next?

we medically treated your soldier and released him.

You released PLA soldiers who were "lost" and found by Indian army when those PLA soldiers "wondered" into Indian side. That's commendable and honestly to be expected since PLA released Indian captives even after violence and clear cold blooded murder.

I think he was talking about the comms officer who was obviously at least beaten unconscious in the video shown. There was no evidence he was treated medically and released alive. We are assuming that man was one of the PLA soldiers murdered since the official disclosure include at least one PLA communications officer murdered by IA.


Registered Member
Question is why PLA want to negotiate with India and decides to move back but do opposite in South china sea.
Is PLA afraid of formidable opponent?

lol what? What does any of this even mean?

This video was from May to June period. You're very confused with timelines and geography. If China hasn't moved back in SCS, the formidable opponent (US) means China is less afraid of US? Following what I am imagining is what you're trying to say with your intellectual handicaps.

Why can't a PLA communication officer engage in dialogue with IA? Back in May to June of 2020? You seem to have made some outstanding conclusions.

Anyway @Kakyan and @twineedle. You see what I mean when I say dodge tactics and employing pathetic rouses? This one backfired hilariously though. Perhaps you two (since you guys are a bit more crafty and lucid) care to translate this troll. I don't speak moron.


Registered Member
You dont negotiate with the enemy who encroaches your territory and now trying to justify. I say treatment by IA is justified.
Blame PLA for running away leaving behind so called negotiator, it was their job to protect him. But like always blame enemy for your own mistakes and start crying, making propaganda videos. I mean who does this?

Okay here you're making more sense. So what you're saying is Indians are justified because it is China encroaching India. You know what? Here I am personally on your "side". I think this stretch of land was never demarcated in its entire history of being known. Tibet's history has gone from not being "China" to conquered by the Mongol empire under China many centuries ago, to becoming semi independent during a period of China closing off and then back to China. But the lines between Tibet and India have never been demarcated.

However in all fairness, I do agree that this stretch is more important to India than it is to China, even after considering China's interest in securing safe routes to Pakistan Iran and the Middle East. These problems could have found solutions in good diplomacy between China and India but Chinese leaders considered confrontation to be preferable. Perhaps after Nehru, they had much less faith in the workings of the Indian culture and system in creating a relationship that can be relied upon.

And so I understand perfectly why Indian leaders have and will want to create a sense of entitlement to these disputes. It is certainly an unfortunate dilemma for both nations because there is simply no easy solution because even eating up the land may mean further trouble down the line and certainly a spoken and unspoken unease in diplomatic relations in the future. The choice by the Chinese side to insist rather than relent even back in the 1950s, we could really only speculate on. Perhaps they were right to choose this path and continue on it. It isn't something for us to judge because we don't have a complete picture or see the entire motivation. Technical neither side has any more right to it but Chinese leaders could have conceded it to India seeing as this is so close to India's major population areas. Perhaps that was the motivation, a little cynical to say the least.

But in light of acknowledging this being a dispute, there is no more right to initiate violence. If India sees fit, they will probably meet with responses and they have in this case.


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you are super moderator of this forum and you dont know difference between animals surrounding vehicles and enemy soldiers?

expected reply

indians are animals

high iq reply like always.

How is that different from this?

Or this?

If you look at it from a neutral point of view then you’d see the similarities. Only difference is that the animals seem more successful at damaging the vehicles.


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other enemy was shivering with fear and there was blackout in Pakistani cities.

I don’t know if there was blackout in Pakistani cities but seems like your leaders have put a temporary stop to escalation.

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If your “other enemy” was shivering, it was probably from laughter at the stupid stuff your press reports.

Case in point.

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This video with English subtitles should be informative to the posters and visitors here who may not be too clear on how the incident in Ladakh unfolded, either because of the language barrier or the information blackout in those usual western media.

Remember to turn on the English subtitles.

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