I was waiting for Shukla and Sawhney to weigh in here. This basically settles it. Sawhney will probably go into further details in his next analysis video, but as expected, it's clear that India got out maneuvered both diplomatically and militarily. And as he has been saying from the start, this is just a preview of things to come over the next decade. The funny part is that India's political and military establishment has no interest in listening to people like Sawhney/Shukla, who actually understand what's happening, and whose forecasts are usually around 85% accurate. If they listened to analysts like this they'd actually get somewhere.
Both have in the past mentioned India patrolled up to F8 as well as plenty of other Indian military men in service and retired too. Of course the BJP IT trolls have new instructions in order to spin a victory narrative to shift the goalposts. History proves all though and embarrasses these cheap sell-outs.
Read my summary post in page 890. India receiving any win out of these agreements beyond PLA throwing them a bone in the removing of PLA presence for Jai Hinds to calm down about actual losses. Well that is about as impossible as Mexico today being able to negotiate for the parts of Texas or California that were annexed by the US. I don't care how charitable Biden and the US leadership might potentially be, such a thing is simply so outrageously unlikely it is funny these people want to bang on about their "victory" narrative. Meanwhile the main objective and offer to India since 1959 is taken. China's offer since 1959 makes it clear that for China, anything beyond F8 and associated points in the north are bonuses for China. If China ever really wanted up to F3, why would they offer to settle between F4 and F8?
In fact India claimed to F8 and lost all beyond F3 with China never really asking for F3 since China's always offered something between F4 to F8, well it shows who really "won" if a win must be assigned. To say nothing of other parts of dispute, lives lost, humiliations delivered, captives returned, and who sat on who's claim for an entire year without being able to be challenged or removed effectively.
@twineedle in the event of Taiwan conflict, will India stay neutral? Or will India use the opportunity and disturb peace on the border?
I bet they will at least try to salami slice and escalate using a very slow approach but do so nonetheless. Like I said in the past, the CCP better know that Indians will and are already itching to take any opportunity that come. And if they are to only challenge the current agreement with a return of their claims to F8 and associated points, that is something totally understandable. This stretch of land may be uninhabitable and offer no prospect of wealth but it is strategically far more important for India than it is for China, however important China considers it. Looks at any map. This place is an entire India away from "main" China.