In democratic countries, politicians often do things that seem irrational when in fact they are constrained by politics. This does not mean they are unaware of the dangers and the boundaries. Maybe you are right and they might push past the boundaries. If China wanted war, they could have used any number of incursions as an excuse to launch war. They have not. Hope cooler heads prevail.
As to internal sabotage, the Chinese can give much better than it takes. I won't worry about that. So far, what came out of India is just noise.
If India crosses Chinese red lines, it becomes rather academic if their leaders done so knowingly and willingly or not.
The core issue is less about democracy vs meritocracy and more about India playing with fire through its own domestic fake news industry.
No government can go fundamentally against the will of its people on matters the people care enough about, and India is fast making China just such an issue for its own citizens; while at the same time filling their minds with sheer fantasy about the relative real power balance between India and China.
Today, your average Indian on the street most likely believe that China is both pure evil personified while also being a total pushover for the Indian military. That makes war both an easy and appealing option for them to demand. If China wanted a war with India, it would not take much active trolling and provoking to trigger the current farm protest levels of unrest and passion from Indians demanding war.
While China has gone out of its way to avoid escalation with India in the past and presently, it would be foolish to bank on such Chinese patience lasting indefinitely into the future. Especially since the effect of Indian aggression is cumulative and isn’t conveniently reset with every term limit. As such beyond a major red line being crossed like Indian state sponsored terrorism in China, there is the additional risk of a camel’s back scenario where a relatively minor event proves to be China’s last straw given all the BS India has pulled in the past.
My main point is that if India continues on its current path, I feel that a major war with China is only a question of when rather than if.