As long as India's memory of Tibet and China goes back only to the British-Raj era, India will never understand them both. This article is yet another demonstration of Indian cluelessness about Tibet and China.
You've gotta be kidding me. Since India supported the Tibetan uprising in China in 1959, the Indian Military Intelligence still does not have a clue about Tibetan history, culture, or language? Didn't they learnt anything from the Tibetan diaspora in India over all these decades? Now, with the primacy of Hindutva, how are they gonna to educate Indian Army officers about Tibet?
Learning about Tibet in Indian Institutions? LOL! WTF? No wonder they'll not be able to learn crap about Tibet. This like saying that you could learn about China from your local Chinatown and local 'Chinese institutions' like the FLG. How about going to Tibet itself to learn about the place? No, off course not. Any Indian Army officers going there is gonna be exposed to 'CCP propaganda' (aka the truth).
As long as India's only sees China and Tibet through the lens of the British Raj, or BJP Hindutva. India will never learn anything. Hence India will never know its enemy, China. But does India even know itself to begin with? The delusions of India Superpower 2020 and Jai Hind confirms that they don't. As Sun Tzu has been quoted too many times: "If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you'll succumb in every battle". Bet the Indian generals never knew who Sun Tzu was other than it being a title of some self-help book.