Same as french fries, and still Americans now renamed it "freedom fries".I don’t get it.
Dragon fruits are meant to be consumed. Doesn’t eating a dragon fruit symbolize India devouring China or something? You’d think that the Bahkts would latch on to this bit via mental gymnastics.
From what I read, it seems that Biden Administration is actually trying to de-escalate the tension. Could you include your reference?
If there's any hint of de-escalation I certainly have missed it somehow, then.
It's not hard really, just burn those press and call them fake news (India news media isn't known for its journalism quality to begin with anyway), or "enemy agents against national interest", then release "creditable (fabricated) reports" on military activities in-and-out of that village, and have US (i.e. the CIA) to back it up. With decades of demonizing China on the belt, the mainstream media will lap it up eagerly (i.e. skip fact-checking) and wade in without hesitation, and most certain that the Western world (aka the Free World) will all join in on India's side, if past cases is of any indication.Frankly... if the Indians are stupid enough to do something like that no amount of PR offensive will save them... they will be the ones escalating and basically declaring war with an attack on a civilian target at that, the Chinese would have every right to retaliate and the public would probably demand a response... if the Indian news media didn’t jump the gun and started the media campaign about the Chinese building a village before hand they can still lie and claim the target to be a military installation...
The US whatever they think will have no right to intervene, especially now with a brand new administration, dragging the country into a war with a near peer because your ally decided to bomb a civilian village isn’t exactly what you want to be remembered for in your first month on the job, we are not talking about some country in Africa or Middle East that don’t have the will or arms to response here and by the time the US work up the courage due to development on the ground to use more then just words or something additional to lip service and fabricated a casus belli it would have likely passed the 15 days the Indians expect their ammo stock to last in an intense war and probably would have surrendered already...
"China vs the World" is a familiar theme of the last 200 years, so much so that Chinese will go "sh*t, here we go again".
It's certainly a gamble, of course, but not 3D-chess that Joe Biden can't play, besides what better to distract everyone from domestic problems with a "new" flashpoint lit up on Sino-India border, and the hotter the better?