Another Indian media take on the same Chinese village story. This summary of sub-headlines best summarizes the article:
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China entering 60-70km into Indian perceived territory is quite some distance. The average 'width' of Arunanchal Pradesh is roughly 140-150km according to Google Maps.
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Off-course, the actual layout of Arunanchal Pradesh (AP) is much more complex. But for layman's POV, lets see what if BJP Tapir Gao's claim is taken as correct. That China is building that village around the halfway point of AP. That's would be quite deep into Indian claimed territory of Arunanchal Pradesh. If China were to use that village as a border point, that would split AP into half across its length. There is a lot of Indian settlements who could be falling into Chinese territory. Tawang would fall right inside China's territory. LOL! Although I would agree to China doing this. I doubt that China would do something this provocative when tensions are so fever high. Those are not no-man's-land. Those are populated areas.
If you're on the side on India in this dispute, that must be alarming. That could have provoked a war. But all we hear is silence from the top leaders of India. So more realistically, I suspect that this village is not that deep into AP. Probably its on the edge of northern AP from the Chinese side. BJP Tapir Gao merely extended India's claim 60-70km into China. That greedy SOB. Its probably their typical media spin. Not unusual, since they have claimed before that all of Tibet belongs to India.