Imagine if this was multi-player, the Indians being Indians would play the Indian army and Chinese play PLA, the bad guy faction, but owns the living day light out of the the Indians in their own Bhakt army game... I wonder if that was the case whether the Indian developers would IP restrict the game
Exactly hahaha. I remembered in late 2019. There was: Liberate Hong Kong. A combat game of two factions: The protesters (aka HK roaches) and the HK police.
When the game was launched. It was available on Steam and Nintendo, before the censorship came. Mainland Chinese players flooded the lobbies, playing the side of the HK Police. There were stories of these Mainland Chinese players owning the protester factions in this game. It was hilarious.
When this Ladakh game launches. Let's see if it'll be available on the same platforms. And if it has multiplayer mode. This game could be a hit with Chinese, Pakistani players, and other nationalities who dislike Bhakts around the globe. It could become a hilarious party of kicking some Bhakt asses at their own game! Lol.. It'll be so fun to watch. At least until the censorship comes.