Forbidden footage for Indian Army Jawans to watch. In the hinterland of the Karakoram Mountains, at the altitude of 5000 meters. PLA soldiers could set up temporary shelters and tents, and still enjoy the comforts of warmth and hotpots. Well stocked with food, and supplies. And more importantly, every soldier has his/her winter wear. Not just the lucky or privileged ones. PLA soldiers look to be quite well taken care off. Some can even afford to smile. Some can even enjoy hotpot in the field. A farcry from uncomfortable living conditions, starvation, or freezing to death that Indian media likes to have you think.
I wonder what those 'tough' Jawans on the other side must be going through right now.
Their tents, nowhere nearly as comfortable as the PLA's.
Their army food don't look very appetizing.
And they have to contend with the cold reality of freezing to death. Like our Jawan friend here who spent his Christmas on a cremation pyre. (Credit
@Figaro for sharing this tweet earlier.)
Off course, these Jawans are 'tough' while PLA troops are 'single-child wussies' gathering around hotpots. But honestly, who is gonna fight better when the real shooting starts? A bunch of 'tough' but drained and demoralized Jawans? Or well-fed, well supplied, and highly motivated PLA 'wussies'? Yeah PLA troops are 'wussies' alright. The same 'wussies' who can send Jawans running after some non-lethal combat. Whether on a river bank, or on a height pre-occupied by Jawans. So much for 'tough' Jawans.
Nevertheless, there are still Jawans dying at Ladakh. Not by enemy action, but by sheer incompetence from their leaders. The lives of Jawans sure is cheap and expendable. So if and when things get really bad, and god forbid they don't witness how well the enemy is coping. How many more freezing and dead Jawans would it take for discontent to spread within the ranks of the Indian Army? For sure, the Indian leaders will blame China again. But then again, its not their asses who is freezing to death on the glaciers of Ladakh.