Ladakh Flash Point

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Aksai Chin has been mostly controlled by China since the border war in the 60s andd following skirmishes but India has pushed pretty far over the decades. China's attention has mostly been elsewhere during those decades and this stretch truly was useless and unimportant until BRI strategy and India's meddling re. Bhutan and Kashmir came into play after 2010.

Aksai China and old borders go well behind finger 4 and in many ways India is WELL inside Chinese territory and has salami sliced effectively for many decades. I think since the dramatics of the last decade, China has eventually realised all of this and the land is of some strategic importance. India threatening the future of Kashmiri independence and BRI routes through these parts started worrying China.

So Kakyan you are right in the historic context of India being well inside Chinese territory. But those patrol points allowed by both sides up to this year should be chalked up to CCP's complacency and China's focusing of efforts elsewhere. It appears it no longer is the case and China's unilaterally shoved the Indians back to at least Finger 4 and PP13/14 positions which are still not the entirety of the claims and what China thinks it won after the border war. The CCP for both stupid and commendably wise decisions, simply acted rather magnanimously after that border war. Yeah it was a combination of not wanting to get the superpowers involved and not wanting to escalate with India where even an eventual Chinese victory would certainly not be worth the price paid in blood, resources, money, and goodwill. By leaving all borders still ambiguous, India China relations didn't totally disintegrate into what would surely have been at least as bad as Pakistan India relations.

But viewing all this from 2000s to 2019 perspectives, PLA has rather successfully achieved the desired military objectives and the CCP has so far achieved political objectives of not letting this get out of hand while still dismantling a lot of the Indian threat to BRI and making the statement to India that its past salami slicing can be reversed as easily as it was from PP13/14 to Finger 4. Sure there is still a lot of Chinese territory that is either still disputed or taken by India but again, it pays to push sometimes and it pays to slow down before prices are simply not worth the gains. This seems to be a good middle ground as all the evidence proves - both sides staying non-lethal, Chinese objectives achieved and India has not and hopefully will not take back, BRI routes more secured than if India was allowed to control all those territories and continue salami slicing until the message is sent.


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Instead of bettering themselves, indians try to drag down others.

Notice how many are supposedly Chinese publications

The real rogue state is India

India produces nothing yet is polluting and consuming a subcontinent into oblivion. Meanwhile they try to drag its neighbors down through lies and deceit.

After destroying India, 1.4 billion Indians will become refugees and consume the rest of the world.

Nobonita Barua

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This video from August is living proof
This video is living proof that in twitter you can unload videos?
According to you, it is a 3 minute video. If you don't have it, how do you know it was 3 minute video? Upload i here, or give some link.

force PLA to go on defensive and worry about safeguarding their side instead of intruding into India.
So you are saying that it's their side of LAC & you intruded there. Can you confirm that?

Meanwhile Indian troops are still encamped on Rechin La which is located on Chinese side as per Chinese own version of LAC
Yaa, but according to Chinese side version, arunachal is Chinese land & you are "occupying" it.
Is that correct?

ways PLA does not have courage to show full footage which is why they showed only the first 20 seconds instead of the whole 3 minutes
But your solidiers had the "courage" to run away screaming & throwing toys which is pretty evident from the video.


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Canadian expert: Desperate PLA leaked this old cropped video from August after humiliation in a recent Indian action:

Also the video was atleast 3 minutes long but PLA proaganda bureau could stream only 20 seconds as the whole video would made PLA a laughing stock.
Are you serious? You take some random anti-China tweet to spin that humiliating video of IA into a 'humiliation for PLA'? And you keep repeating that '3 minute video' mantra! Is it any wonder why anyone takes you, or any of your kind seriously here? Typical childish spin doctoring.

Here are a few facts that would make you and the Indian Army a laughing stock. No spin-doctoring needed.
1) Indian troops don't have enough winter wear for all their deployed troops.
2) Indian troops can't get the supplies they need because their infrastructure sucks.
3) Indian troops are freezing to death as we speak, while PLA troops are enjoying little comforts like hotpot in the field.
4) Indian troops got their asses handed to them by the PLA over, and over, and over again. Too many photos and videos to prove otherwise.
5) We know you don't have the so called '3-minutes video'. Because all of your assertions here have been pure false news. No evidence, nothing.
6) Indian media and you are going nuts because of just one 20-seconds video twitted by a Chinese netizen. You guys must be so butthurt about. I can smell it. So all that 'PLA propaganda' must be so true!

Nobonita Barua

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I noticed that Kalyan has one thing in commo with the Jawans — when confronted with a hardball they both beat a retreat so hasty that it would make Ulsain Bolt jealous.
Come on, don't insult the champ.
Their running more look like how my 3 year old cousin runs when we let him roam free, pretty much running direction less.


Registered Member
Come on guys, don't blame the Indians for running away. They grew up in terrible circumstances. When you see an enemy two heads taller than you running towards you, and the last meal you had was some bowl of gruel 64 hours ago, you're gonna run for your life. All the protein in India goes to Modi so that he can maintain his 56 inch chest

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"Intensity" of the poverty in parts of India is equal to, if not worse than, that in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the war-racked African nation.

Stunting and malnourishment levels were almost twice as high those found in sub-Saharan Africa.

Jiang ZeminFanboy

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This video from August is living proof of Indian Army's strategy since July to carry out clashes on areas located inside Chinese side of LAC so as to force PLA to go on defensive and worry about safeguarding their side instead of intruding into India.
Which is why China has a failed to carry out a single new intrusion since July.

Meanwhile Indian troops are still encamped on Rechin La which is located on Chinese side as per Chinese own version of LAC
Anyways PLA does not have courage to show full footage which is why they showed only the first 20 seconds instead of the whole 3 minutes
So you're saying India is an aggressor? That's what we knew given the circumstances, and that's the opposite of what Western and Indian bs media reported.


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This video from August is living proof of Indian Army's strategy since July to carry out clashes on areas located inside Chinese side of LAC so as to force PLA to go on defensive and worry about safeguarding their side instead of intruding into India.
Which is why China has a failed to carry out a single new intrusion since July.

Meanwhile Indian troops are still encamped on Rechin La which is located on Chinese side as per Chinese own version of LAC
Anyways PLA does not have courage to show full footage which is why they showed only the first 20 seconds instead of the whole 3 minutes

You sir are quite the masochist. Don’t worry and be careful of what you wish for. If the 3 minute version shows Indian soldiers crying for mommy, are you going to ask for the 8 minute version?
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