Indian Gov. learning from the British Raj has a habit of exporting its people into neighbouring countries and encouraging those people to act as 5th columnists so as to become absorbed into India; it's what they tried to do in Nepal and Myanmar.
As I have said it is your misunderstanding, not mine.If that is not your understanding then you lack understanding. I know how to debate true to a topic with replies to the point and you don't. Everything you said was either a misunderstanding of what I wrote (due entirely to your faulty English) or a digression which I may or may not agree with but is irrelevant to the point of contention. Essentially, you've rambled, but never been able to actually reply to me.
You're not exactly flying into Afghanistan where the risk of being shot down by SAMs or AAA is practically non-existent - whatever the Indians fly into our territorial claim risks being taken down by integrated air defense or PLAAF fighter jets.I don't see how risking a $100mil drone is somehow better than a manned CAS platform
Off topic, and confusing the issues:Modern Sri Lankan Tamils descend from residents of the , a former kingdom in the north of Sri Lanka and from the east. According to the anthropological and archaeological evidence, Sri Lankan Tamils have a very long and have lived on the island since at least around the 2nd century .
.Indian Army in Ladakh now fully stocked and equipped with ample food, comfortable shelters and required fuel, clothing and ammo
Waiting for comments from Kakyan over the following report:Splendid, a war of attrition will drain India of its wealth and in turn, instigate riots and civil revolt; there's only so much Uncle Sam can give in support and in the meantime, time for the PLA intelligence units to start arming and training factions in Nagaland and Manipur...
Indian Army in Ladakh now fully stocked and equipped with ample food, comfortable shelters and required fuel, clothing and ammo