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TLDR: Indian Commander got instantly bonked in the head and bled to death and Indians fled via jumping the lake resulting the PLA medics spent 8 hours trying to convince they're not death squads when they literally had red cross symbols on their medbags. Videos and Pictures of the incident has been confirmed but not released yet.
PLA Medics also wore the medical armband.To be fair, it is hard to see the Red Cross in near total darkness. The Chinese soldiers shouldn’t have waved the bags at them and instead should’ve approached with open palms to indicate that no harm would befall them.
Indians use convoluted logic which no one can understand.The India claims no soldiers were missing. Then China releases 10 just to embarrass them XD?
India public is furious at Modi’s speech today. Indian politics is absolutely crazy chaotic.
What did he say?
He said no one intruded into India's territoryWhat did he say?