I think this Global Times article sums it up very well as to why China isn't going to release any casualty numbers. I think this source is probably the most reliable regarding Chinese casualty numbers ... at this point I don't think the Chinese even suffered a single death.
In the 1962 war, the US and Australia knew India started the war but they perpetuated the lie that it was China. How does the US know what the body count is? Did they have an agent there in brown face or did they have someone tape their eyes to look slanted? How about some satellite pictures where they could count the bodies themselves?
The Indian side celebrated their low-level soldier punching a Chinese officer. After that it's been all anger from them. They were so angry that they had that app to remove all Chinese apps from their phones. If they scored more bodies from the PLA compared to the only twenty they lost, why are they still angry? They beat the Chinese. I remember reading a few months ago how India was bragging about construction they were conducting on their side of border but they get angry when China does it... Indians have the courtesy culture where they will lie to someone if they believe the person they're lying to would rather hear the lie than the truth. Everyone knows it's a lie hence that's where the anger comes in.
Apparently every time India beats China in a fight, the Indian people get hopping mad. Maybe they're really hoping for China to win, just for once?
I'm guessing Pakistan DF are having a field day with the Ladakh crisis?You should see the Indian defence forum
I think the Indian media made the mistake of bragging about the 43 Chinese casualties when they have little to no physical evidence. It goes completely against the Chinese death squad angle they are trying to push. If anyone applies the least bit of critical thinking their whole story falls apart.
This is a great article.Just read an opinion piece, I think it’s a pretty good read and is pretty inline with what we have been discussing but he offers some ideas why China is picking a fight right now, with discussion of geopolitics, tho I can’t say I agree with everything, I think he give some pretty good points. If this guy’s commentary is on point then this thing should be far from over. Anyways thought I will share.