this forum is epicenter of hypocrisy. Coming from mouths of wannabe revolutionary Han and paki's Muslim chauvinist sitting in capitalist US , it's funny to hear the BS.
I would just say this here that cast system is not unique to india. It's a ethnicity marker to be precise. India is not a homogeneous country in first place it never was in it's history. More like a poor version of Europe. a northern like me has nothing in common with Southerner 2000km south except religion , even if we are of same caste. Food is different, ethnicity is different , language is different even culture is different. Even among regions there is difference among people. This is not the case with Han dominated china or other homogeneous society we see in east. If there are no differences , there won't be any nation states in first place. no china ,no Russia , no Zimbabwe ,no USA etc. It will all be open borders and land of fairy tails.
problem with cast is discrimination for that there is reservation. But politicians have made it a vote bank , since job are few and reservation put even qualified people at a disadvantage , using it to create trouble. instead of providing some basic income , social security net or job program for masses.
govt need to do more for upliftment of disadvantageous groups sure because they do face problem and that's a fact. but there is a limit to everything how far you want to push , cause there is usually a blowback.
as for discussion here, i don't take much of it seriously. It's a funny china stonk forum after all.
This place is very nationalist, true, and I have my problems with the fact that if you criticize any Chinese systems or capabilities people will end up shouting you down.
That said, do you disagree with the fundamental fact that FC comprise a small minority of the Indian population, Hindu or otherwise? And that if India is simply for the FCs, India will never be able to 1. evince its strategic power 2. even dream of competing with China?
If the Indian social structure is a minority of Westernized Indians / Hindu analogue to ultra-religious Muslim engineers with an endless subjugation of undereducated and undernourished OBCs / SCs / STs / Muslims, then India is a joke, and if it remains that way, it's always going to be a joke.
The Chinese are always going to be laughing at India or treating India as a ridiculous country with too many people shoveling shit if this continues.
And if you talk about "everyone having a caste system", no, not everyone has a caste system. You have social democracies in Europe with high social equality. The United States might be closest to having a caste system, with the use of immigrants to support human capital needs its own system can't produce, but the United States doesn't have an OBC class that comprises 50-60% of its population. At worst, when we think about black and Hispanic degradation, we are thinking about 10-20% of the population, and that's roughly equivalent to Dalits.
But the entire issue we're talking about right now is the OBC cluster. When you bin OBCs and Dalits together, you get a percentage that's equal to the white proportion of the United States. And FCs in the 20-35% class of the population exploit OBCs and Dalits. It is awfully reminiscent of Apartheid in South Africa, except that instead of white Afrikaaners terrorizing black South Africans, it's high-caste Indians exploiting low-caste Indians.