Dated information and untrue:Technically India has more native speakers of pakistan's national language than pakistan itself.
India has approx 100m native Urdu speakers and is a common language in north India and one for the national languages of india . Urdu and hindi are very similar and are dialects of the original language hindustani.
However , they start differing in the written format with Urdu is written in the Perso-Arabic script (right to left), while Hindi is written in the Devanagari script.
Urdu speakers in India are afraid to declare their mother tongue in the National Registry of Citizens ( part of the Census 2020). If they do they are likely to be identified as Non-Citizens and confined in the hundreds of concentration camps being now set up. Speaking Urdu in public in India is fraught with danger.
At one time the shortwave radio allowed Urdu listeners to a host of foreign broadcasts such as BBC, Radio Tashkent, Radio DW, VOA, Radio Beijing. India hated these radio stations but there was not much it could do apart from sporadic attempts at jamming. India tried countering with its own All India Radio Urdu service but was ineffective.,When the shortwave stations shut down the listeners in India particularly in Kashmir and UP secretly listen to BBC Urdu ( digital audio) as well as streaming podcasts from VOA, Radio Japan, Radio DW. The VOA Urdu podcasts are especially popular. The Urdu podcasts challenge the narrative of the establishment and the only way to counter them is for India to shut down the internet which it does from time to time with an obviously undesirable side effect of affecting most communications.
Urdu was widely adopted in street theatre and revolutionary poetry by left wing political parties including the Communist Party of India and the Communist Party Marxist. There is no other language that quite fits role of revolutionary motivation. Which is why the right wing establishment in India has made every effort to stamp out the language.
Quite recently Urdu in India had a brief period of media attention in India in the fall of 2019 and January 2020. During the nation wide protests by the opposition to the Citizens Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens ( which effectively turns India's minorities into non-citizens) left wing protesters chanted the famous Urdu poem in Urdu written by Faiz a communist poet from Pakistan. which was titled ( We shall see ...) . A brutal state orchestrated program effectively ended the movement.
Reciting Faiz's poem today can get you a long term in jail under the national security act.
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