Ladakh Flash Point

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Just Hatched
Registered Member
Hindi and urdu arent same language.
They are totally two different language .
If you even see any indian or even pakistani saying these then they are delusional .
There is not even 1% similarity between indian and pakistan language.
Technically India has more native speakers of pakistan's national language than pakistan itself :).

India has approx 100m native Urdu speakers and is a common language in north India and one for the national languages of india . Urdu and hindi are very similar and are dialects of the original language hindustani.
However , they start differing in the written format with Urdu is written in the Perso-Arabic script (right to left), while Hindi is written in the Devanagari script.


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Indian reporter visiting the Almaz-Antey production facility for S-400. This is supposedly the batch of S-400 systems produced for India. According to this reporter at 5:40, the S-400 system for India will have the same full capabilities as the ones used by the Russian military.

At 6:35, the reporter said Almaz-Antey will not reveal the customer of that particular system being featured in the video, but it is not difficult to guess who that customer is at this point and time (that being India).

This is otherwise a good footage showcasing the production facility of the S-400.
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Interesting information in this article.

Indians definitely have a forked tongue and are playing games, I hope the Chinese government is well aware of this. It looks like things certainly won't de-escalate soon.

A related Global Times article on the very same day.

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An excerpt from the article pretty much sums up what China thinks of India now:

"China wants no war and used to see India as a "brother" in developing countries. China has been proactively promoting cooperation with India, both on the bilateral level and in multinational platforms. There was a time when China hoped it could jointly rise with India, in an attempt to realize the rejuvenation of the two ancient civilizations, even the rejuvenation of Asia.

But India does not think so. It is trying to shape a new global industrial chain without China. It wants to stand with the US against the rise of China, and has been observing China's emergence from a geopolitical lens, fearing China could one day become the dominant power in Asia."

Based on both of these articles, it looks like the CPC has finally had enough of BJP India. A relief for sure. With the way things are going, India cannot be allowed to have the same leeway it had enjoyed in the past with China. It is time for China to put India on the same level of "true enemies" as DPP Taiwan, USA, and to a certain extent: Japan. China can and must begin the containment and isolation of a belligerent BJP India. India had its chance, but it alone has already pushed things to the point of no return.


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Indian reporter visiting the Almaz-Antey production facility for S-400. This is supposedly the batch of S-400 systems produced for India. According to this reporter at 5:40, the S-400 system for India will have the same full capabilities as the ones used by the Russian military.

At 6:35, the reporter said Almaz-Antey will not reveal the customer of that particular system being featured in the video, but it is not difficult to guess who that customer is at this point and time (that being India).

This is otherwise a good footage showcasing the production facility of the S-400.
China's S-400 is definitely no different. If China's S-400 is supposedly downgraded from the Russian one, then why spend the billions of dollars to buy it? If its only going to give marginal improvements over their existing S-300s and HQ-9s, that's gonna be a pure waste of money. But then again, that's Indian media logic.

How about some real news?

Russia's Kavkaz 2020 military exercise. India was invited by Russia, but declined (go figure). So China, and India's nemesis: Pakistan are carrying out joint military exercises with Russia. Learning how to jointly coordinate and integrate each others' militaries better. Pakistan have also started buying Russian helicopters, potentially moving into other stuff like SAMs and tanks. Not very rosy news for India.

India is deluded to think that it can control Russia. Yes, India is the biggest export market for Russian arms. But that's it. China OTOH is one of, if not the biggest buyer of Russia's other exports like oil, gas, minerals, agriculture, etc. These exports form the true backbone of Russia's export revenue. China is Russia's only ally among the UN Security Council Permanent Members. China is Russia's most important economic and geopolitical partner. Russia can live without India, but not the same without China. And even with all that, China respects Russia 100%, and still has no desire for controlling them. Sorry India, the truth really hurts.


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India is the guy who wants to buy and own Russia for a measly pathetic sum only India thinks is impressive, in its own delusions.

China plays geopol completely differently to India and this isn't just the CCP. India wants to act like the west but without the wealth, military power, and industrial capability. India manufactures what well? What industry is India even remotely competitive in? Not even talking about leading or being peerless. Perhaps in self-pleasuring, ego boosting material.

For every American CEO or high profile engineer who is Indian in ethnicity, there is at about one who is Chinese. For every tech company founder who is Indian, there is at least 3 who are Chinese... probably much more. Taiwanese count as Chinese btw ethnically lol so it's an even better count. The difference is Chinese Chinese do not bang on about how many of "their kind" are working at NASA or Google etc. No ethnicity/nationality has a monopoly on positive qualities. Indians however clearly have incredible depths of insecurities. At least the bhakts Hindutva crowd does.
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