Indian reporter visiting the Almaz-Antey production facility for S-400. This is supposedly the batch of S-400 systems produced for India. According to this reporter at 5:40, the S-400 system for India will have the same full capabilities as the ones used by the Russian military.
At 6:35, the reporter said Almaz-Antey will not reveal the customer of that particular system being featured in the video, but it is not difficult to guess who that customer is at this point and time (that being India).
This is otherwise a good footage showcasing the production facility of the S-400.
China's S-400 is definitely no different. If China's S-400 is supposedly downgraded from the Russian one, then why spend the billions of dollars to buy it? If its only going to give marginal improvements over their existing S-300s and HQ-9s, that's gonna be a pure waste of money. But then again, that's Indian media logic.
How about some real news?
Russia's Kavkaz 2020 military exercise. India was invited by Russia, but declined (go figure). So China, and India's nemesis: Pakistan are carrying out joint military exercises with Russia. Learning how to jointly coordinate and integrate each others' militaries better. Pakistan have also started buying Russian helicopters, potentially moving into other stuff like SAMs and tanks. Not very rosy news for India.
India is deluded to think that it can control Russia. Yes, India is the biggest export market for Russian arms. But that's it. China OTOH is one of, if not the biggest buyer of Russia's other exports like oil, gas, minerals, agriculture, etc. These exports form the true backbone of Russia's export revenue. China is Russia's only ally among the UN Security Council Permanent Members. China is Russia's most important economic and geopolitical partner. Russia can live without India, but not the same without China. And even with all that, China respects Russia 100%, and still has no desire for controlling them. Sorry India, the truth really hurts.